71296 mb 33

71296 mb 33


the lower back, winding over the edgc of the seapula, and tlien forward and upward to the upper arm, is superbly shown. This is the latissimus dorsi, the most powerful mnsclc that we have, by which we puli the arms down to the sides. This is e2ective iu ‘•'chinning” onc?s self.

Taking a fuli breath, place yourself in this posi-tion as ligidly as possible for two or tliree seconds, tlien relax, and tako a second breath easily, tlien anothor fuli breath, and repeal tlić cxereise; puli the muscles with the ntmost power that you possess. You will find it necessary to stiffen the neck and hołd it well back. Rcmember that the shape of the body when it is bcing exereised rigoronsly is the shape that it tends to take during rest; so always exercise in positions that are strong and erec-t. Some of the illustrations show the eontractions of the muscles on the front part of the body. These are given as type-forms rather tlian as the most desirahle of positions for much exercise. Ezercises in which Ihe bach and necie are Iteld rigidly cred, iend toward better carriage and should be łaJcen abont lwice as freąuenlhj as ezercises that puli the body forward.


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