


Yourdifficulty is:

Bending backward while turning right and bending sideways to the left just above waist Ievel. Lying on your side, back arched.

Tight Muscles:

Muscles that turn and bend back at waisl level.


Chair; firm cushion or rolled towel; sandbag or other weight.

Starting Position:

Lie on left side with cushion under waist. (This bends upper back to the left). Rest outer side of left Iower leg on chair; straighten left leg backward, so that Iower back is arched. Bend right hip and Iet right leg rest on floor. This position keeps back arched and Iower back bent sideways to the right, while turning it to the left so that it can’t follow a turn to the right. Now, take sandbag in right hand and point right arm straight up toward ceiling; left hand on outside of right thigh.


1.    Look to the right; exhale. Turn upper body to the right, lowering right arm toward floor so that stretch is felt at waist level. Keep right arm straight out to side so that shoulder joint does not move.

2.    Look to the left; inhale. Press left hand against thigh; hołd for 5 seconds.

3.    Relax. Look to the right; exhale. Tum upper body to the right, and push with left arm while lowering right arm toward floor to limit - maybe a little bit morę.

4.    Repeat until you feel you can stretch no further and muscles feel tight. Hołd this finał stretch from 15 seconds to a minutę or morę.


1.    Retain position and grip; look to the right.

2.    Exhale; push against thigh with left hand and turn upper body to the right, so that right shoulder goes down as far toward floor as possible without movement in shoulder joint.

3.    Hołd position a few seconds.

Common Errors:

*    Lower back not arched enough.

*    Legs not held straight.

*    Trunk not turned to the right as right arm sinks toward floor; that is, arm turns at shoulder.


1.    Left hand should press against thigh and push to increase turn.

2.    Stretch should be felt around lower back and belly. If you feel pain or discomfort in back, down eithcr leg, or in any other place, stop stretching immediately.

Normal Mobility:

While bending your lower back backward and to the left, you should be able to turn right until your shoulders arc almost at a right angle to your pelvis.



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