Yourdifficulty is: |
Bending your wrist, palm first, while keeping your elbow straight and your forearm turned inward. |
Tight Muscles: |
Muscles that bend wrist backward: 1 cxtens or carpi radialis longits 2 e.ytens or carpi radialis breris 3 c.stcns or carpi nlnaris. |
Equipment: |
Tablc edge or other liorizontal support of suitable lieight. paddcd with towel, blanket or the like. |
Starting Position: |
Stand lacing tablc. Tum right forearm inward to limit; place back ofright band on table, fixing it to table with left hand. |
Stretching: |
1. Kecp right elbow straight. Move body so that slretch is leli along back of forearm and in outer sidc of elbow. 2. Tensc these muscles as if to straighten wrist; hołd for 5 seconds. 3. Relax; keeping right hand firmly fixcd to tablc. movc body further away from table. 4. kepeal until you leci you can slretch no further and muscles leci tight. ł lold this finał slretch from 15 scconds to a minutę or morę. |
Stimulation: |
1. Bend wrist. palm first. as far as you can willi elbow straight. 2. Place left hand in right palm and rcsist wrist-bcnding; elbow still straight. 3. Hołd position a lew scconds. |
Common Krrors: |
* Elbow not straight. :|! Forearm not turned farenough inward. |
Notę: |
1. As shown to the right. slretch may also be performed by pressing back of hand gradually down againsl a table. with elbow straight. 2. This slretch counleracls achcs oreramps in forearm, hand and fingers. |
Normal Mobility: |
With elbow straight and forearm turned inward, your wrist should be able to bend palm-first until your hand is at a right anglc to your forearm. |