


Yourdifficulty is:

Bending your wrist, palm first, while keeping your elbow straight and your forearm turned inward.

Tight Muscles:

Muscles that bend wrist backward:

1    cxtens or carpi radialis longits

2    e.ytens or carpi radialis breris

3    c.stcns or carpi nlnaris.


Tablc edge or other liorizontal support of suitable lieight. paddcd with towel, blanket or the like.

Starting Position:

Stand lacing tablc. Tum right forearm inward to limit; place back ofright band on table, fixing it to table with left hand.


1.    Kecp right elbow straight. Move body so that slretch is leli along back of forearm and in outer sidc of elbow.

2.    Tensc these muscles as if to straighten wrist; hołd for 5 seconds.

3.    Relax; keeping right hand firmly fixcd to tablc. movc body further away from table.

4.    kepeal until you leci you can slretch no further and muscles leci tight. ł lold this finał slretch from 15 scconds to a minutę or morę.


1.    Bend wrist. palm first. as far as you can willi elbow straight.

2.    Place left hand in right palm and rcsist wrist-bcnding; elbow still straight.

3.    Hołd position a lew scconds.

Common Krrors:

* Elbow not straight.

:|! Forearm not turned farenough inward.


1.    As shown to the right. slretch may also be performed by pressing back of hand gradually down againsl a table. with elbow straight.

2.    This slretch counleracls achcs oreramps in forearm, hand and fingers.

Normal Mobility:

With elbow straight and forearm turned inward, your wrist should be able to bend palm-first until your hand is at a right anglc to your forearm.



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