Yourdifficulty is:
Tight Muscles: Eąuipment: Starting Position:
Common Errors:
Normal Mobility:
Bending backward while turning right and bending sideways to the left at waist level. Sitting down. back arched.
Muscles that turn lower back and bend it forward and sideways.
Chair or stool; smali cushion or folded towel.
Sit on chair corner, back arched, legs wide apart on either side of chair leg, cushion under left buttock and thigh (increases bend to the left). Grasp under chair seat with left hand, just inside right thigh. Let right arm hang free.
1. Look up, backward and to the right. Exhale and bend lower back to the left and turn it right so that stretch is felt in lower back.
2. Look to the left; inhale and try to puli left shoulder backward. against resistance of left hand and arm: hołd for 5 seconds.
3. Reku. Look up, backward and to the right; exhale. Bend lower back to the left and turn it right, to limit-maybea little bit morę. Aid move-ment with puli of left hand.
4. Rcpcat until you feel you can strctch no further and muscles feel tight. Hołd this finał stretch from 15 scconds to a minutę or morę.
1. Retain grip; look up, backward and to the right.
2. Exhale; arch back. Bend lower back to the left and turn it right, to limit.
3. Resist that movement with left arm and hand.
4. Hołd position a few seconds.
* Lower back not arched enough.
* Weight not equal on both bultocks, so that lower back is not bent sideways to the left.
* Too much lorce used.
1. Stretch shouid be felt only in lower back. If you feel pain or discom-fort in back, down either leg, or elsewhere, stop stretching immedi-ately.
2. For grealer elfect, see exercise 6A.
While bending backward and to the left. you shouid be able to turn your shoulders to the right until they are aimost at a right anglc to your pe!vis.