Your difficulty is: Tight Muscles:
Eąuipment: Starting Position:
Common Errors: Notę:
Normal Mobility:
Bending your hip while your knee is bent.
Muscles that straighten hip in this position:
1 adductor magnus
2 pectineus
3 adductor longus
4 adductor breris
5 obturatorius e.\ternus
6 gluten,s ma.ximus.
Chair, stool or simiiar suppoit.
Face chair and put right foot on chair seat. Straighten left hip as far i possible by sliding left foot baekward; back and left leg kept straight. Le hand on chair for support.
1. Lean forward and down, bending right knee and hip, so that stretch is fe in inner side and back of thigh and in buttock.
2. Press right foot down on chair seat; hołd for 5 seconds.
3. Relax, then slide left foot baekward and press upper body and hip further forward. As stretch progresses, move right arm inside right thig and grip chair seat with both hands, so that right shouldcr can come levi with or bclow right knee.
4. Repeat until you feel you can stretch no further and muscles feel tigh Hołd this finał stretch from 15 seconds to a minutę or morę.
1. Stand on left leg.
2. Bend right hip and knee to limit.
3. Resist movement with hands against knee.
4. Hołd position a few seconds.
* Left knee and hip bent.
* Lower back not kept straight.
Arms may puli down to incrcase effect of finał phase of stretch; don push lower back out.
You should be ablc to bring your bent knee almost up to shoulder level