


Your difficulty is: Tight Muscle:


Starting Position:


Stimulation: Common Errors:


Normal Mobility:

Bending your knee wfien your hip is straight. Lying face down.

Muscle that bends hip and straightens knee:

1 rectus femoris.

Table, bench or other surface of suitable height. Belt, ropę, towel, or the like.

Put belt around right ankle and lie face down on table; head and left leg outside table edge. Place left foot far enough forward to take any arch out ofback. Gripends of belt and puli it over right shoulder. Bend upperbod} slightiy sideways to the left, and bend right knee without turning lower leg either way. Press right hip against table. Draw chin back.

1.    Bend knee further by pulling belt, so that stretch is felt along front of right thigh.

2.    Press right foot against puli of belt; hołd for 5 seconds.

3.    Relax and puli belt to draw right foot as close as possible to buttock, while keeping lower back straight.

4.    Repeat until you feel you can stretch no further and muscles feel tight. Hołd this finał stretch from 15 seconds to a minutę or morę.

Nonę! Stimulating antagonists at back of thigh may cause cramps, and should be avoided.

*    Left foot too far back or up off fioor so that lower back is arched.

*    Upper body bent to the right.

*    Right hip bent.

*    Right lower leg turned inward or outward.

*    Chin jutling out or head bent backward.

1.    This stretch may be used whcn muscles are extrcmely tight and kneeling is painful.

2.    Right hand and arm may be uscd instead of belt whcn muscles are onl\ slightiy tight.

3.    If lower leg is turned, knee may be overstrained.

With hip and back straight, you should be ablc to puli your hccl up to touch the buttock.




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