


Your difficulty is:

Tight Muscles:


Starting Position:



Common Errors:


Normal Mobility:

Bending your ankle upward while keeping your knee straight and raising the outer side of your foot.

Three of muscles in lower leg:

1    gastrocnemius, medial head

2    plantaris

3    tibialis posterior.

Table, chair, wali or other support. Book, piece of wood or other firm object, to raise outer edge of foot.

Stand, leaning forward, hands supporting upper body, left foot two to three foot lengths from support, right leg and hip in straight linę wita upper body, right foot so far back that heel cannot be pressed down to floor/ground, outer toes and outermost bali of foot resting on book/board.

1.    Bend knee and hip and push with arms to press heel and sole of right foce down onto book/board and floor, so that stretch is felt in back and inner side of knee and lower leg.

2.    Press downward with outer toes and outermost bali of right foot; hołd for 5 seconds.

3.    Relax;bend left knee and hip morę and push with arms to press right heel and sole of foot down on inner edge of book/board.

4.    Repeat until you feel you can stretch no further and muscles feel tight Hołd this finał stretch from 15 seconds to a minutę or morę.

1.    Raise outer edge of right foot until sole of foot is turned outward. Knee straight. Bend ankle to limit.

2.    Hołd position a few seconds.

*    Lower back arched.

*    Chin juts forward.

*    Right knee and/or hip bent.

*    Right foot turned inward.

*    Outer toes and toe bali not resting on book/board.

Stretch should be felt only in calf and back of knee. Tightness or pair. along front of ankle and foot may be a sign that you’ve achieved maximum mobility of ankle joint.

With knee straight, you should be able to bend your ankle upward as far as joint allows while outer edge of foot is raised, without any tightness in calf or back of knee.



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