c)    Tłiey usually appear and disappear seasonalły.

d)    It can be spread globally.

45. An epidemie that becomes unusually widespread and even głobal in lts reach is referred to as

a)    Pandemie.

b)    Hyperendemic.

c)    Spanish fiu.

d)    Endodermic.

46.0ECD stands for

a)    Outcome economy committee development.

b)    Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

c)    Out entry contact dossier.

d)    Organization for Evasive Co-operation and Devełopment.

47. Wluch of tlie folłowmg statements represents tlie best defimtion of plraimacoeconomics?

a)    Descnption and analysis of the costs of drug therapy to health care systems and to society.

b)    Process of identifying, measuring and compaiing the costs, risks, and benefits of programs, services, or therapies and deteimining włucli altematrve produces the best health outeomes for the resouices mvested.

c)    Puttrng piinciples, metliods, and theoiies into practice to ąuantrfy the value of pliaimacy products and services used in the real world.

d)    Studies that attempt to łdentify, measure, and evaluate tlie results of health care sernces in generał.

48 .Total cost associated with a programme where botli costs and conseąuences are measuied m monetary terms is called as

a)    Cost-effectiveness analysis.

b)    Cost-benefit analysis.

c)    Cost-utihty analysis.

d)    Discountmg.

49. Wluch is appropnate descnption of Average Costs?

a)    The value of opportiuuties włucli have been lost by utilizing resouices in particular service or health tecłinology.

b)    The total costs (i.e. all the costs mcurred in the dehvery of a sernce) of a health care system divided by tlie units of production.

c)    Independent of the number of units of production and include heating, lighting and fixed staffmg costs.

d)    The cost of the consumption of medicines is a good exampłe of vanable costs.

50. _drag is avoided in children’s mider 4 years witli diarrliea.

a)    bisacodyl

b)    loperamide

c)    Bismuth subsalicylate

d)    Ciprofloxacm

51. All are Selected Cytoclirome P3A4 Inducer EXCEPT a) Efavirenz


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