Active vocabularv (productiyei - it can be used appropriately by leamers in speech and wriling, students imderstand and nse the vocabuIary.
Passive vocabnlarv (receptive) - tliey can only be recognised and used in conlext.
Yisual technigues:
1) using flashcards
2) using photographs and pictures
3) using blackboard drawings
4) using word pictures
5) using realia
6) labelling pictures/objects
7) using mi me and gesture
8) performing actions
Types of dictionaries;
a) bilingual
b) monolingual
c) pictorial
d) thesauri
Ręyising yocabulary:
1) “odd one out" - which word doesn’t fit
2) spider games - organising words according to categories
3) filling in different gaps
4) substitution techniques (e.g. witli a synonym)
5) filling blanks
6) cloze tests - filling in the gapped text with appropriate expressions
7) mat cl ling synonyms, antonyms
8) labelling pictures
9) miming
10) noughts and crosses
11) single word dictation ( and trying to find connection between them
12) connections - ma king sentences from words
13) communicative crosswords
14) sophisticated hangman - 1 point for a correct letter, 5 for a word, 15 for a connection word
15) pelmanism - matching and putting the pairs aside
16) word association
17) draw the word