Somo c* thc *svb«5: written worics by Nativo
Anr of<... '<• rcligious scrmons and protest
works. (Mobegan) and
iPecjuotł protested docrmnaboft agantt Amoncans
• Occom s Scrmofi PnyoctasJ at tho Exocuhon of MosesPau* .m Indian (1772) d*cuss<» tho damago Wiat tbc mtroduct»co oI afcotol had brooght to notrw peoptos
• Apesn r. IthKw N-jXfx:alon o! tho Unconsttutcnal L.irt s cf M.issac/tusetrs Rciat^o to ino Mnrsnpco Trt* (18A5) ry*p«xl the Marsbpoe fight k*gaf •njusticos thot oCbor tntx» *<*o atso faang