
Coracoacromial ligament Acromion of scapula .

Trapezoid ligament (part of coracoclavicular ligament)

Supraspinatus tendon (cut)

Conoid ligament (part of coracoclavicular ligament)

-Supenor trans verse scapular

ligament and scapular notch

Coracohumeral ligament Greater tubercle of humerus

Coracoid process

Lesser tubercle of humerus ransuerse ligament of

Openings of subscapular bursa to shoulder joint

Intertubercular synovial sheatlr (communicates with synovial

Subscapularis tendon (cut)

Capsular ligament s

Broken linę indicates position of subscapular bursa

Biceps brachti tendon (long head)


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