The Space Enwonment Center (SEC) is an agency of the Department of Ccmmerce National Oceanie and Atmosphenc Adminlstration. SEC provides near-real time space environment Information services to its cńrilian and military customers. ccnducts research on the sdar-terreslnal enwonment and devetops technlques lor applying new research insights to its operaticnai services. S£C’s Space Weather Operaaons branch operated jointly by cMlian and U S Ar Force Staff. provlde$ recent solar-terrestrial data summanes and forecasts to the public vla electromc media as wełl as by U S. matf Data are prwided in a variety of fermats including sdar images. text reports. data lists and data plots.
Sites Providing Solar Images Sites providing solar-torrestrial data
The Space Enwonment Center (SEC) provides near-real time sdar-terrestriai data in a variety ot formats including sdar images, text reports. data lists and data plołs Data are availablevia WWW, gepher, telnet anonymous ftp. dial-in modem connecticns. and a List Server..
The Internationa! Space Enwonment Serwces (ISES). formally the International Ursigram and World Oays Servlce (lUWDS), Is a joint service of URSI lAU and IUGG and is a permanent service of the Federation of Astrcnomical and Geophyssal Data Services (FAGS) ISES has had an important role in co ordnating the exchange of sotar-terrestnal data between orgamsations around the wofld Centres known as Regional Warning Centres (RWCs), have the respensibility for coitecting data from their geographicai areas andexchanging thesedata through the ISES network. At present, there are ten RWCs located in Beijing (China). Boulder(USA). Mosccw(Russia), Paris (France). New Delhi (India), Ottawa (Canada), Prague (Czech Republic). Tokyo(Japan) Sydney (Australia) and Warsaw(Poland).
The Solar-Terrestrlal Physics <ftvt$ton of the National Gecphysical Data Center (NGDC) archives data in three main disaplines (Geamagnetism. lonosphere. and Sclar & Upper Atmosphere) and two related satellite programs (DMSP and GOES) Most of the data In the SEL database is archived by NGDC and available on vanous media Their CD-ROM with hisłorical sdar indices may be of interest to SEL customers.
In addrtion to soiar-terrestnai physics. the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) manages cnvlronmentai data in the fldds of sdid earth gecphysics marinę gedogy and gecphysics. paleclimatoicgy. and glacidogy