We ** to pretend ws'r« birds!


Podobne podstrony:
2    this / Peter / understand / cannot.................. 3    we / to
10947658?898185181222580959625 n U)fl KCćf/6-/ %łMU ^kccpt^e, fco ęOfetept^/ p Lg^tl^to ,QjU£py —r
2    this / Peter / understand / cannot.................. 3    we / to
We v to piay and sing London Sridge!
We ^ to playi _flVŁ
We to piay and splash in ths rairjf
We to preterd wełre salling i
druga nić ukę. Niestery, tpommśamńt me jest postawą tak prostą,
We * to eat lunch!

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