Cul a Icngth ot thlYud and your needle. String on four beads and tic them together In a Mjuaie knot between beads one and four, ch»e to the cod of yoiur tlircad. as shown in Figuro 2-10. IW car ciul not to tic tirem too ligłitlr jo !uu need a linie wiggle rootn.
Pass jour needle and ilireud back through beads 1,2, and 3,« m Figurę 2-11.
fyun! >0
Froin tho point on. string on t*>o ncw bcncłs for each Kjuarc, passing the needle tluough the ncxt top bead of the preriom row and the lałt he-ad of the presious Kjuarc. as shown in Figurę 2-16.
String on three morę beads (S.6.and 7).Pasabłdc tlirougli bead 3 ot tht tirst Kjuarc and tlten thiougli beads 5 and 6 in tho sccood Hjiurc, m in Figurę 2-12.
Add.-ng a longcr row:
String on three moro beads (8.9. and 101 aird pasł back throogh beads 6. 8. and 9. as shown in Figurę 2-13. Continue picking up three heads lor cadi new ujuarc until yott have the dejired Irltglh.
To tum the corner to begm tlić sccond tow, pass the needle back through the Ln.1 three beads of tire lavt Kjuarc of the row and bring the nccdie out the top bead as Ul Figurę M t.
String on three beads .md pars the needle bach thtougli tire top bead. forming the firn rquarc of lite iccond tow a» in Figurę 2 15.
Addlng a shorter row:
F*t*2- U
lo inerejne tire length of )oui pattern, make an cxtra square on the cud of your tow a> shown in Figurę 2-17.
Turn the corner, follow the ihicad patii, and proceed down your
eetended tow as Jltown in the illustration. [f
)«u wish to iiKtease lr> morę than one ujiurr, thrn do that
nunrber of Kjuares on the end of the row and proceed in the
same manner.
To decrease a row by otrę Kjuarc. tołlow the thread patii in Figurę 2-18 back thtough your work to the iccond-to-last «|uare.
Como out the bottonr hrad to turn i heco mor and start your ncxi row. If you want to decrcase by morę than one ujuare, work your
thrrad back through the nunrber of KJuater you wish to I*)- and continue as in Figurę 2-18. L>o not cross
open arras lietwecn beads.