Example 3

1200    1’Al'UA NEW GUINEA - New Britain Norłliwnrtls - AtnliUIikim JBiiv - IJrara Islam! - Light.

Light Ust Vol.K. 2003/04,3493 Sourcc:Australian Notice 02/66/03

Chart Aus395 [ preriom updatc 2340/02 \ UNDETI2RMINED DATUM

Delcie    "Arf; 1(4)WIC 16s20A9/6M and associuted sectors    4° 11 'óS.,    1510 56'-7E.

Chart Aus397 [ ptwioiti updatc 1851/02) UNDETKUMINED DATUM

Delcie    'AtF1{4)WR. I6s20fl9/6M and associaled sectors    4° 11 '-5S.,    151° 56'*7E.

Chart Au5461 [piwious update 712/02 } UNDETERM1NED DATUM

Dclcte    Fl(4)WR. 16s9/6M    4° 11 r-5S.? 151° 57'-8E.

Chart 4622 (i NT 622)1 P>evious updatc i279/02 J WGS84 DATUM

Dclcte    *Fl(4)WR.9/6M    4° I2' 0S.,    151° 56'-0E.


Despitc the complicated look oflhis correction, it is really a siniplc dclelion. When deleting a light sector il is important to usc double strike ihrough lines lo signify the deletion, Thcrc is less chance that this will be confused with something elsc on ihe chart. Be surę to delete all Hic dclail of the light and sector lines as shown on the tracing. Do not. ddelc using the method shown on the tracing () - you should be able to see what has been deleted.



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