

:i commoii repv»ilory*or bureau, and, if a    CM<J <•/ fiurttM d/tuti Htetiury, tf ts-

.tmined. te>ie>3, atut reported upon. The Gt>vcmoiecil MOuldthua beapprlaed of all valu-uble intention*, and eould ux them if it ehoae. If i.oi, Iha favorablo report of »uch u tioird woilM enli>t prirate rapital and ent*rpri»c. \ fair ozamlnation, a f»vorable opia-ion and a fuli report woutd do the f5overnmcnt no hurm, but would greatly »id Ibe inten-tor. beocfił lho putiiir, and, perba|w, be of łperial advar>tag<r to the Govermuent, and eaułe," by ttiduciog Capital and eiiterpriu- to lakę hołd of the plan io nuertion.

Moreo»er, the impre**tori which ił abrosd, tb.»t the (JO'crnmeot doea not fiłor aueli ibmp, ibouid be. rernoTcd, for men are detem-d fton making, ©r pre*entir-g ioTeotiortł. for Uiij reaton. and inrentire geniu* and enternri** arc dtteouiaged. And it i» jtencrally •uppołłd that aoroe łhrewd m»oager. or Ing-ralfer, nr lawyer. tuułt bc feed wilh a bont noe-hjlf ©f the intentioo.or tbe traloe thcruof, “l© get it thr©»i|:h.’'whereai, the way •hoiiM be »o itraight, and blazed -o plainiy, that tł.o *iti>plcłt bork-wood»fUJO ran folio w it without dircction or guide, i knew Ihe ah©»v ieiprt»>iw pre raił*, beeau\e ) haye beru utfered coołiderable shtnł ©f a ntiobct of 'alci^lr l»łrulic«n, ©r InnCietM 1e»» if i w<»iid lid in “getting them tliioosb.’’

it murt be remtenbered that in*entor». aa a • Uv*. m»i n.tlj >IC, or <iv beccnie enlhit<i-»i*U«. bnt tbey are reliringnnd »cn*iti»e laen. who are diwotiragrd at mrre adrerae ap> pearaocti, much morę hy retmtł*,*©etr», **r tiMpprołing difip. Tbey harc not the r*t-■ OMary ureir ye.tr. and perhap*. are dooMfUl01 the Biffil- vl tt.err młenlioii', aud uolc*» rneouraeed, ©r drawn out a< it we.re, they Mili not hring u,cm forward. I fcnow ca»e« iii jioint. Moreorer, what tbey hare di*covered or in\cntr«l i* aa o dear ehild to them, or r.Ml.er, a chrriłhed lrea*ure. which they gloat ovrr n» a initti doc*. «ver boarded (golrl. Kear of lo*< of Ibe coinage of tbeir bruiii. ottcn keep« ibrcn bark. loi it ił much eaaicr 'tolen tban materiał weallh, and tbe wrong t* liantcr to dttect and rcdro'. And offscera wbo harc regular and arduout dutie» to pcrforin, and fan only attcnd to tlic>e olhert iriCi-dehially, begin »il Miel, e\amination* w itb a pwsumption ugaitiłt tbe intentioo, (wbieb *n»ncti«nc* cauacł rejecłion before tbe ro«TiU are tearbed.) foundcd on ik M'cll known iMCt that nine out of ten inrentioris sre fai(uix-*, ot not new,—foręettin< tbut u br^o part of the dutics of thh )ifc, partirularly olHcial onr*. eon«i»ia of repatating wheat front e.hafl', and tlint the one In ten inny be guiiDOtrder, printing, Kulton’» łleareboat.or Mor»e'» telegraph, and dełllncd to rerobitioni/.e tlio offair* of men, or ointerially ehange tbe tuode* of war.

Kor tlicie und other rca»*m*, and becau»e tlii* i* a pnlrtotlo rla»» of men, dcririog 10 *«r»e tbe counUy, I invokc for tbero the lilteral and liicilitatiug jtolicy of tbe Oovern-ment »» mdicated above,nnd helirve that tbeir Knkra will be highly adtanugeou* to

our cauvc,

I hnteU-rn inlbrroed that Kuropcan Go'crntnciil» Iij»C in*litutlonł aimilar to the ooe |<ro|wt*id.


Actihg uiidcr rvgu!alio<ił of the War Department, or |^rhap* conoccud willi thc.iforc-*»id BuiT-tii.cofp* or baDdrofdctłnictiofłtrt* and capttwert, *hould hc organized, cr allowcd to organice IhcnucUee, for dcttfłiełiTc p*jrfo*ea, fcc., tn \iaw of large rewarda for *uc-e«*»; łiach. for błtance, a» indkated in U.e act of 21*t of Aprit, JŃii. (whteh girę* 50 per cent for deilroying the enemy’« war \ee**U by anr ncw <oatrivar.ee,) or wilh a vi«w to prize money; whieh, s» wcII ae proleclioo to wch mea.aboold be prorided for by law, aa 5* dooe in theea»e of prirateera. The band Could be uaall or brre, aa theexi* geocy might re^airc. It łhoold be uoder a leader who woold act morc or ka* uoder the tinmediate aulhority and protection of the eocntoaoder of tbe militsfy diłtrict where bU operationa are to be. Ttus leader wottld gtnerally bc tlie inłentor, who, wltb hbarlizaoa, aałittanto or partnera, w ©u W form the operating eorp«. «e1dom wo-ald be re^ufred morę mon. But «r morę ahould bc wanled for aid or proteclie>n, they conld be obtatned a» »ol* untoery from ihe oearml troopt, willi the coirtent nf their eommaode r. Soch band* hating governmeotal aulhority lor uny eapedition, wouhl he protected frota aoy pen alty for irregular warfarc.

Beinr alwaya ready, on the watch, jod stlrulatcd by the mlnglcd and powerful me-tirea of great gaio aod bitter hatred to the enemy, a» woli a» by patriotltm.aueh band* would, bettdes destroying men-of-war aod armed tran*porta, capture war-reaacl*, mer-chant-reweU, rirer-ateamera, trauaportj, flal boatt, bargoa, and all aorta of craft, and what ihey ©oold not capture, they would dealroy, If able.

These banda of ingenioua and daring men would not only operato all doatructire cod-trirances, but, like prirateera, would make capturet, and eoneb tbennelree at tbe eoe-my'» eipenaej "all along ahore," on our 3,000 mllea of eoaat,and in our baya and rlrera, for thoeoemrja ruinę upoa tu wfcemrer we b*ve narigatioo, parllcularly In tbe Mia* Ktuippi and iiatnflRaric*, temptiog and prorokiog deetructioa and capture. Men orgao-i*ed lor the purpote, with tbe nccc»$ary meana at comoand, lylng in wait, or moriug wltb groat ceJertty, would improre theae oumeroua opportunlile*. aod do tho enemy rreat damage. Aod tbia would be aa eicelleot modę ot pfcreatiag the narigatloa oi tba


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