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The term 'strapless' means that the bodoe is not supoorted by shouldcr scams or straps and so requiros other means to stay in place, usually bon mg (sec p66)
Shoolders carry the weight of a garment and even narrow shoulder seams will ronder a boned support unnecessary Whore straps are tne onty support. a bra is usually wpm 10 retain the bodice shape Straps aro often used as a cecorative rather than a functonal aspect of design ard boned bod cos stay m place witti or without them.
Th.s section presents the three strapless Wocks which ‘vm the basis of all strapless stytes. darted. 7- or 8-panel and s<Je panel l«n©s Variation s mtrodoced by changmg 62 the 5hape of the upper edge. that is. the neeklm© and the waistline. which may be
of differmg styles or lowered to such an extant that the bc<*ce becomes a dress The Shortened skirt may oeccme a frili. ftounce or fishtad. or disappea- altogether Page 69 gives funher <f©as on neckime design and dropcod waistimes