The aim of the conference is to provide an opportunity to share Information and facilitate co-operation in mechatronics and new materials and dissemination of current research results in this multi-disciplinary field.
English will be the official lanauaae of the conference.
I. Mechatronics Systems:
1. Robotics: industrial robots , microrobotics, mobile robots;
2. Teleoperation, telerobotics, teleoperated semi-autonomous Systems;
3. Sensors and actuators in mechatronics;
4. Control of mechatronics Systems;
5. Analysis of vibration and deformation;
6. Optimization, optimal design;
7. Integrated diagnostics;
8. Failure analysis;
9. Tribology in mechatronics Systems;
10. Analysis of signals;
11. Measurement techniques.
II. Materials (properties, model lingmanufacturing and Processing):
1. Multifunctional and smart materials;
2. Metallic alloys;
3. Biomaterials;
4. Functional composites;
5. Adaptive materials;
6. Piezoelectric materials;
7. Nanomaterials;
8. Ceramics and glasses.
III. Education:
1. New trends in mechatronic and materia! science education;
2. New curricula concerning mechatronic Systems and materiał science
(both MSc and BSc degrees);
3. Teaching materials and laboratory facilities.
IV. Piezoelectric Technology Session:
For the first time in the history of MSM conferences, a sępa ratę session devoted to Piezoelectric Technology will be organized. Selected papers will be published in the second Special Issue of the Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (see first issue MSSP Vol. 36, 2013).