Is that the man who sent you the tickets.
HasnT John given Mary the paper.
Can you tell me the shortest way to the station.
Aren’t you going to take the children to school. Shall 1 wait till Tve seen the assistant manager.
They gave you the largest share for yourself.
^ There’s plenty of time to prepare the dinner.
^ It shouldn’t be difficult to get it repaired.
You can easily catch the last train.
I don’t smoke as much as you do.
I think you’d better ask the others.
When did you last see your parents.
We’ve asked yoirTmother to come to tea.
You must light a fire to warm the dining-room. Henry said he’d wait for us at home.
She never really looks very well.
I wish we could get them all to agree.
It’s easier to speak than to understand.
I should like you to take the class tomorrow. You canT be surę of finding them in the office.
I think most of the trains used to stop at Exeter. It doesiTt do to be too eager about it.
You surely domt believe everything you hear. We didnT know the whole family was there. They won’t arrive before lunch tomorrow.
Lii 2009/10
from RK