r5 The inverse problem may be solved by creating simplified models, which well represent the properties of the source and the conductor.
ą The activating cardiac cells act as source elements uirth current density J' ^ which produce two fields_

'3 The clinical problem is: THE INVERSE PROBLEM

6 The equations of the electric and magnetic fields have two terms representing the contributions of
4ucfO(r)= J J;*V(-i-)dv + (cj'-oj")<i>V(-p-) ♦ dS.
Multiple dipole Multipole
V-* Trivial solution O* Finite homogeneous ^ Finite inhomogeneous
Clinical ECG lead systems are Solutions of the field eguations With certain source and conductor models
12- lead ECG VCG (Frank) Multiple dipole ECG
Magnetic field:
4 ltH(r )= J J ;xV(y-)dv
Multiple dipole ^ Finite homogeneous Multipole ^ Finite inhomogeneous
4 Which means^
To solve the source J' (x. y. z, from the detected fields ( $, H) The distribution of active tissue is the same function (x. y. z. t) Lead field theory provides the theoretical basis for solving the inverse problem
In clinical MCG the same model can be used as in ECG
The lead systems detecting the electric and magnetic dipoles
have three orthogonal components
which have the following sensitivity distributions
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