


We, I*n ;*•**>! f>- tke ITnlitd Sm, ii afoc to Łrto * «X*a Jdfcw Union. ertiblidt jmtice, ioom dcmeadc tnmgmliy. pnwid* łiJr O** encainaa dofease, prantSc ftp twnJ ■ytfrre. ft»J «Cixe rtt hltwlug rf Hrrty to f«rvth'« tal ora partmty do ortirin m>d v1»f>Wi iii* fimirinithri f<c ftp Uaiad Suw* of Amorói.

Artkle I

SECTTON 1: L«gkjlativę powCT-e; m «łmra yetlżd'

fara^.'Of-/i i: AU kgial*ti*e pow«i« ftardiu granlcd shaLl te vesced in a Coftgren of t*e United States, wbić* *HaIJ coosiet of a Stołte and a Hcmce of Retfu^ertiaiicree.

SKOnON Ł Hduxo of Repreaeotatr/es, bo* and by who«i chtuen, OualUkaticaj of a Rop«aciuaUve. R«pTcaent*<ivm m>d cfireet t«/.cs, how appo/tioned. Bujmerotion. Yaeancww W bo F.Uad Fowc* of ebeoein ofdcea® and t?f ir^j»dun«ni.

vm>zpQfi I: The Hoo*s ot’ Kfipe«saiUBiives shall bc compoaed cjf membejra ęhoyen every second y*a/ fcy tfce pcopV. of tbe kevk»I Atenos, amJ (ho eJcołccs in each State stall hevc tbe flonKficnUran rc<^ultito for ckctcci of ftc most Duin<rc«iB bfaficfe of Ute Stale Logielatore.

FawnpA i: No pwwn $t«01x Repteactitartrc who shaU not have wtained (o tbe ngc of twtaJiy-lh-o yeara. and bcca scven you* a chlaon of the United States, and wbo shall oot, wben elcctcd, be aa ioIłAbilatit of tfcat Sta’* in wbich be *h«ll be ckosen.

?toccę/ayo j: Rcaccscjitouws *nd dircet tomi otiAll bc ippcetłoncd aasong tbe toYaal States wbich m«yfce itKiudcd wllhia this Uodon, nę«m*n£ W tbęir tuipecUve nuuibert, wtłlcłt sfudl bc defennined by *ddin$ to tbe w bole nnmder of ócc persons, indudinj thdsc bOond ftx ««/-vicc foe a lewa of years, aod cidudina Winu not la*«d, thraa-flfćha of all otber persoos. Tbc flCClial Cłnnuerałioo .Ttiail be madę wLfcin threc yeorp Aftcr tbe fint owtotlog of' tb» Cobgfesv of tbe United States, and wiłbin a\tty aubee^ucoi tenn ef ten years, in a<ach mannw aa ftey sHab by law dlrcot. The oianbcr of Reprc*jntAbvti ahall uul tjraede on; fca evcxy thirty tbooaand, bet oacb State tball fcavc x. leaat ooc Repeaeata.tm; wid imtil enutneea-tico ;baU be raRde, ftc- State nf New Himpdwe cJulU bo entafed to eboose tfarcc, Maa-Rttohuant-j pigiu. Hiśode Isl&ttÓ and Pn>vid«*u:e Plantirmt cme, Coanaeticirl flve, Kew Yoet s'c% New Jeraoy faur, PenruiylyftńiA cifehl, Deluwwe 0<K. Maryland ft*. Virgini* ten, NartŁ ■CarollDB ftve, South Cwofcm fiv», mai Geoigia tbiee.

Pwu,,rwiA 4. Wboe oscancks bBppen in the recaeeentation tv<rm aay stale, toe. txecntir«: An-Ihońty thercof sb*ll isiue wrin of olacboii (o fili tncłi '-'fcatKios.

j'wa>nv* 3.- The Hwie uf Ro|Ai30xaaU#cs ahall chooac tbcir Speaker aod csher officem; w>i shal. Havo the aolc powcc of impcaehtnCT,t,


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