The govemor rejected the statc at-tomcy gcneniTs report, saying that the advwory committee did not havc acces-s to all the facts and "was bi-ased in a certain dircction.‘^Hc rc-fused to quote specific instances wherc the report was 1‘aully. but said hc would appoint his own committee to look into the problem.
A spokesperson for the attomey generaTs office called the report “ac-curate and balanced” and said the formation of a new committee will only dclay much-nccded refomis. "The governor is responding to polil-ical pressures." the aide said. "He’s the one who is biased^m thn rc P»rr~
The attomey generał could not be reached for commcnt.
Leaders in both houses of the stale legislaturc urged the govemor and at-tomey generał to resolve their differ-ences on this issue.-^
CDemocratic leaders maintain that the governor is trying to crcatc an is-suc that Republi^candidates can use to their advantagc in the fali election. but Rcpublican official.s deny that there is any political motive behind the delay^
“This is a serious matter that can-not be decided lightly,” one high-ranking Republican said. "1 don‘t think anyone should be criticizcd foirying to make surc that all the pertinent information has been gath-ered. and that u has been gathered by an impartialDody."