The govemor rejected the stale at-tomey gcncraPs report, saying that the advisory committee did not have access to all the facts and "was bi-ased in a certain direction." He re-fuscd to quote specific instances where the report was faulty, but said hc would appoint his own committee to look into the problem.
A spokesperson for the attorney generaPs office callcd the report "ac-curate and balanced" and said the formation of a new committee will only dclay much-needed reforms. “The govemor is responding to polit-ical pressures." the aide said. "He’s the one who is biased. not this report."
The attorney generał could not be rcachcd for comment.
Leaders in both houses of the stale legislaturc urged the govemor and at-tomey generał to rcsolve their differ-ences on this issuc.
Dcmocratic leaders tnaintain that the govemor is trying to creatc an is-sue that Republican candidates can usc to their advantage in the fali election, but Republican officials de-ny that there is any political motive behind the delay.
"This is a serious matter that cannot be decided lightly," one high-ranking Republican said. "1 don’t think anyone should be criticizcd for trying to make surę that all the perti-nent information has been gathered, and that it has been gathered by an impartial body."
The govemor rejected the stale attorney gcncraPs report, saying that the advisory committee did not have access to all the facts and "was biased in a ccrtain direction.” He refuscd to quote spccilic instances whcrc the report was faulty. but said he would appoint his own committee to look into the problem.
A spokesperson for the attorney generaPs office callcd the report "accurate and bal-aneed” and said the formation of a new committee will only dclay much-needed reforms. "The govemor is responding to political pressures." the aide said. "He's the one who is biased. not this report.”
The attorney generał could not be reachcd for comment.
Leaders in both houses of the State legislaturc urged the govemor and attorney generał to resolve their differcnccs on this issue.
Democratic leaders maintain that the gov-cmor is trying to create an issuc that Republican candidates can use to their advantagc in the fali election. but Republican officials de-ny that there is any political motive behind the delay.
"This is a serious matter that cannot be decided lightly," one high-ranking Republican said. "1 don’t think anyone should be crilicized for trying to make surę that all the pertinent information has been gathered. and that it has been gathered by an impartial body."