3 3
UelcoMe to Debian GNU/Linux 2.2!
This is the Debian Rescue disk. Keep it once pou haue installed pour spsteM, as pou can boot froM it to repair the spsteM on pour bard disk if that ever becoMes necessarp (press <F3> for details).
On Most spsteMS, pou can go ahead and press <ENTER> to begin insta1 lation. You will probablp want to trp doing that before pou trp anpthing else. If pou run into trouble or if pou alreadp have ąuestions, press <F1> for ąuick installation help.
WARN ING: You should coMpletelp back up all of pour bard disks before
proceeding. The installation procedurę can coMpletelp and irreuersiblp erase theri! If pou haven’t Madę backups pet, reMoue the rescue disk froM the driue and press <RESET> or <Contro1-A1t-De1> to get back to pour old spsteM.
Debian GNU/Linux coMes with ADSOLUTELY NO UARRANTY, to the extent perMitted bp applicable law. For coppright inforMation, press <F10>.
This disk uses Linux 2.2.19prel7
(froM kernel-iMage-2.2.19prel7_2.2.19prel7-l)
Press <F1> for help, or <ENTER> to boot. boot:
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