Owners of Ariel Machines will sometimes find that when they require a replacement or spare parł. ihey arc offered an imitatłon or non-genułne Ariel part, at probably u slightly lower cost. In practically cvery case, lower cost roeann lower quality. either in inuterial or workmanship. Kiders cannot be too strongly wrarned against the very terious possihilitie* of trouble and disappointment likely to arłsc from the iiw of interior Imitatłon partu.
Two vulve* may look absolutely alłke. The Ariel vulvc it» of the mott suitahlc qiiality alloy Steel for the work whlch it has to do. The qua!ity of the imitatłon valvc Is un-known. and the vatvo may fail when in the engine, with serious conscquences and a heavv repair bill.
Aluminium alloy pistons may be die-cast or sand-cast. Die-casting ftivc» a clone grained compact metal free from flawi and wcaknesses, and every plston is the same weight. Sand‘Casting Icuyc* the metul irregular and porous, and given castings of varying weight, but Is cheaper than dłe-casting when only a few pistons aro bclng madę. Ali Ariel pistons are die-cast from the very best alloy, and arc, therefore, frec from Muws and uniform In weight. Do not spoił a smooth-running englne by fltting a plston of doubtful composition and unknown weight.
Such a machinę as the Ariel Is worthy of the best spares that can be obtalned.