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Unit 2

Unit 1

Loan Otflcer: Now, I undęrstand you want to take out a loan with us. First ot alt. 1 need to get a few personal dotalls for the application form. Your fuli name?

John: Mićhaels, John Mićhaels.

Loan Otflcer: And you're married? Single?

John: l'm married.

Loan Offfcer: Right. And your occupation, Mr Mićhaels? John: Yes. Pm a sunreyor.

Loan Offfcer Now. who is your employer?

John: I work for Leeds Construction, In Brook Street. Loan Offfcer How long have you been with them? John: Let me see now.... um... four and a hall, no, five years altogether.

Loan Offfcer: And your annual salary please, Mr Mićhaels?

John: £34,000 per annum.

Loan Otflcer Right. Now we'll need a copy of your latest tax return. You’ve got that with you? Good. Do you have any other ioans at the present time?

John: Weil, I have a mortgage on my home. Oh, and theres my credit card bill of course.

Loan Offfcer Is your mortgage and credit card with us? Yes? Good. ni just bring up your details on the Computer, (sound of Computer keys) Mmm, good. Ali repayments are up to datę. Now. What exactiy is the purpose of this new loan?

John: l’m planning on adding an extension to the house - an extra bedroom and an encłosed porch.

Loan Otflcer Have you been to the council for planning pemvssKXi yet?

John: Yes. Everything's in order. Now it’s just a matter of getting the loan approved and we can go ahead.

Loan Offfcer Ali right. Now. I need to know what type of loan you want. You have a few options. Do you want to increase your current mortgage or take out a separate personal loan perhaps?

John: I think a personal loan would be best in this case. Loan Otflcer: The interest ratę is slightly higher, but your repayments can be morę flexible. Exactly how much do you need Mr Mićhaels?

John: Dl need £48,000. That should allow for everything. I II be doing a lot of the work myself. That will hopefully keep the costs down.

Loan Otflcer. Working from your current mortgage repayments, we'll organise a suitable repayment plan for your personal loan application. Right, everything seems to be in order. That's all I need at this stage. If you'll sign here ... and here ... Thank you, we'll get back to you about the loan's approval in about ten days.

Speaker 1

When I was younger, I worked as a magiciahs assistant for four years. We worked on cruise shlpś. I really loved doing it, but 1 gave it up when I got married. I did miss work though. and so I declded to set up on my own. Now, Pm a children's entertainer. I have a one-hour show that I do for children's parties and I make a good living. I still wear my sparkly costumes, but now I do the tricks myself instead of just assisting. Making children laugh and seeing their little faces light up with wonder and amazement makes this the most rewarding job in the worki.

Speaker 2

I wasn't surę what l wanted to do when I left college. In the end I got a job in an accountancy firm, just to make ends meet and, six years later, Pm still in the same job. I dont find it very challenging, but I still haven't found anything that Pm suited to. I hope I won't be in this job forever, but I can't leave until I find another position because I need the security. I suppose there must be a lot of people like me, doing a boring job for years on end, just because they can't think of anything better to do.

Speaker 3

I always knew what I wanted to do, so after I left school I went to university to do a BSc in Optometry. After that I was a trainee for a while and then I became a qualified optician and moved to a different firm where I was madę a partner after five years. I see about 15 patients a day and I spend about half an hour with each patiem. I examine their eyes. prescribe lenses and screen for eye diseases. I like working with contact lenses best because there is so much variety. There are so many to choose from and which ones I prescribe depends on the shape of the eye, how much they will be used and the patienfs requirements. I really enjoy my work. It requires skill and precision and I get to meet lots of people.

Speaker 4

Pm a very ambitious and creative person and that's probably why I love working in advertising so much. Pve worked for many different companies over the years to get the experience I needed to work my way up the ladder. Now I am a Creative Director and coordinate advertising campaigns for well-known International companies. It's hard work, but it also has its perks. For instance, I get to travel extensively and meet lots of interesting people. I work about 12 hours a day, but it's the variety that keeps it interesting and exciting. I talk to clients, work with models, photographers and illustrators, watch showreels and look through portfolios and I even find time to give advice to others who are just starting out.

I really love my job and I can t imagine ever doing anything else.

Speaker 5

As a child I hated sports and l’d do anything to get out of PE That all changed though when l had a baby. I put on quite a bit of wełght so I went to a gym to get back Into shape. Soon I was hooked and I was going every day and doing aeroblcs, too. I lost weight and my body became very toned. Then, when the gym expanded, my aeroblcs Instructor asked if l had thought about becoming an instructor myself and why t didn’t get qualified so I could take over some of the extra classes. I decided to do It and I haven't looked back sińce. Now. I adore my job. I get a great feelłng seeing my studenta get slim and fit. IVe madę a lot of friends and my self-confidence has improved, too.

Unit 3

1    A: So, how was your cruise? Did you have a lovely


B: Weil, no, not really. John was struck down with something the minutę we left the port. He spent the entire trip in our cabin.

A: Oh dear. The poor thing.

6; I know. It was a shame for him really. He couldn’t eat anything for the first couple of days. It was really awful.

A: I suppose he’s just not cut out for a life on the ocean waves!

2    A: Excuse me. I’ve just arrived on the flight from

Madrid and my bag isn*t here.

B: I see. Have you checked at the baggage carousel?

A: Of course. I’ve been waiting there for an hour, but it hasn't come through. Do you think it could have been put on the wrong flight?

B: It s possible. If you could give me your ticket, l'll check on the Computer for you.

A: Oh, I really hope it hasn’t gone somewhere else. It’s got everything I need in it.

3    Man

I couldn't believe it. I got there in plenty of time - or so I thought - bought my ticket and waited on the platform. I stood there for twenty minutes and then I started to get worried. I was the only person there, and it’s usually pretty busy at that time of day. I kept checking my watch and staring down the linę to see if it was Corning. Then I asked at the information desk, because I thought there may be a problem on the linę or something, and they told me the timetable had changedl I mean, they should really tell people about things like that. shouidn’t they?

4 A. I m terribly sorry, sir The Computer musi have madearrMake.

B: Weil. it’8 simpfy not good enough l boefced this room weeks ago. and now you id methal you ve given it to someone else

A: Weil, if you d r»ke to was tor a moment I can find another room for you.

B: I dont know. ł'm really not happy about Th®. I think I d rather go somewhere else A; l’m afraid you tt find that everywhere is aiready booked up, sir, it s a busy time of year l can gwe you a room here rf you woutd just was tor a few minutes.

B: Weil. atright. then. I suppose I have no otwr choice.

5 Woman

l'd planned to do lots of walking on my hobday. but I spent most of the Ume readtng in my hotel room. t was freezing and wet and I couldnt bhng myself tc go outside! It poured down every single day I didn i even go out to eat because i wouW have got abeolutsly soaked; I just ordered tood kom room serwce! it was a bit of a disappointing expenence. I can tell you!

Unit 4


Don t forget that next week is Green Week here n Barford. and there are plenty of adrWbes to keep you busy and help dean up the locai erwronment We start the programme on Monday with a trip to the locai recycling centre Here you can see how al! your household waste can be shredded up. meiieo down and turned into useful materiais. Almost anyffung can be used again. and we hope that this oubng will encange morę of you to stop throwing away vaiuabte rutoótsnThere are limited piaces avaiłable for this tnp, so sqn up now at the Town Hali.


On Tuesday, we are inviting everyone to leave their cars at home and get on their bikes. See how easy n is to get around on Barford's cycłe paths and gtoe the environment a break from ali those dangerous exhaust fumes. Cars wili be banned from the town centre tor me day and we re hoping that. once people realise how much better travelling by bike can be tor our health and our planet, they wiN think tw»ce before geffing behmd the wheels of their cars in futurę.


Go back to schód on Wednesday with an aftemoon of environmental education at the Town Hall. We are lucky enough to have enwronmentakst Judy Watters jomtng us to give us Information on how to make our homes morę enwronmentaJly fneodły. Judy will be gmng us tips on


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