SuitfKfJ »POt JcUfTU.
You can iLtieh iKc ipcei on ćeełund włtJi a
4Painting thc Spots.
i law many decorarioe >p«s you juSnt and whctc they go 11 up to you. You may only want a coiipic of latgc spois on cach iidc. or yoo may dccidc to icatccr tmilkt cnes about. Hcn»cves many you choosc to paint. bc łtirc t<* spiec them uniformly so they dont touch or ovcrlap. Bcch wings should mareh. Ute a pencd to tkctch spou on thc Ćried wir® arcas. Remember that skctch nurkt can bc palnted over at any point and rcdonc umil you arc satiitkd,
If you don‘c leci you can pain: a round >pot ircchand or if you want all thc spot* cxactly thc iame ii:c, ery makśng a itcncll. <l) Trące a circtcof thc dciirtd sirc on a notc card cc other stif: materii!. (2) Cul out thc center. <3) Linę thc ho!c up ovcr one of thc ipoti ycu iketchcd ento yoor stonc. Press ftrmly around thc edges of thc itcncil to hcid it in place aivd usc your medium bruth to dab on just enough
black paint to tell in thc citclc. Care-fully lift thc ca:d suaight up to avoid jcncating. Aliow cach spec to dry bc-forc going on to the ncxt. To spcc.1 things up, iwitch to thc other wing and wock thcrc whllc w-alting- W) After you havc compłetcd yout pattern of ipon and Set them dry, you may need to go arcund somc of them wilh thc wing ccłar and smallcit fcruih co smooth tough edgei.
The Arl o/ PiSiniirijC Anlnuls on Rock)