A: Yes there are many organisations which wants to legalize soft drugs. In cities like Amsterdam you can buy pot in shops called /:coffeeshops and it is absolutley legał. The idea was to make soft drugs morę available so the crime connected with it should decrease

K: But statistics show that wasn't a good idea. Sells of drugs increase fast and it wont slow. This politics caused many lives - because when you can get soft drugs without any problem you also wont have problems with hard ones.

Sz: But isn’t taking drugs a personal decision of each of us?

B: Tm afraid l don't agree with you. If you take it you will become dangerous.

K: Think about it. It would be only your decision if you weren’t anything bad for others. Someone who has just smoked joint and now is driving a car can cause crash in which can die innocent people Sz: It isn’t only because of drugs.

B: When we are talking about stimulants we can't forget about alcohol too- it is also a big problem Sz: But you will not forbid me drink a beer from time to time , we all know it is good A: Hov\over you must remember that a lot of people drink too much alcohol. Besides this liquier can addict as well as any drug .

B: and what about Krzsztofs tea. He drinks a lot of it.

A: Oh yes. It includes tiamin which is a kind of drug too.

K: In it’s on way it helps me. I feel calmer.

Sz: If you want to be calmer take melisa. But remember it can addict you too.

B: Back of the herbs. It is old way to be healthier. And it is good. As you know every methods of grndmother Alina have always WDrked.

I think we should vote. Who is against drugs... thank you. And who is for? rm sorry Szczepan you are the only...

OK We ought to move on . Another think I want to talk to you are phone bills. Each of you has a mobile phone because l want to have a contact with you all. But this figures are killing me. I understad that you need to have contact with your frinds. but this calls are so often and so long...

Sz: But it is Krzysztofs fault. He has taken our phones when we are sleeping and has called his friends.

B: Realy...

K: Don't be silly. I couldn't. Besides you hide your phones under your pillow...

Sz: So you have tried to find it

K: of course not. I saw it when l was sleeping in your room ... You don’t remember it?

B: stop acussing each other. You are so childish. But l think that this figures are caused by Krzyś. You have called the most frequent.

A: We may treated as another addiction.

K: You are always blaming everyone except yourself. You aren’t saint Hmm It smells like addiction...

B: l think that we are addicted on thewords ‘addiction’...

Let me finish the point of money. Do you have any solution of this problem?

Sz: l don’t have any idea...

A l don’t have any idea too. may be it will be as was K: may be we will pay part of our bills

B: l think that l have better. First is that you will pay all your bills from your pocket money and the second is that I błock your phones and you will cali only me.

K: Aren't you too selfish.

B: No l’m not You should know the value of money and how hard are earned.

If you don't have any idea we can vote this two. Who is for the blocking? And who is against? Adrian, and what about you?

A:l don’t know. I must think about it

B: So l think that we will choose the solution on the next meeting which will be... let me check... on sundey afternoon.

Oh lt’s getting late. All right. Let me now sum up our todays meeting. First we have talked about a basement.. and drugs. And we have voted. We almost all have agreed that drugs aren’t good for us. And I think that is obvious that you wont use them. And the second point was billings. But you will think about it and say it to me on the next meeting. Also than I would like to talk to you about yours education and yours marks.. rm worry about hem. But we don’t have enough time today.

So thank you for your coming.


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