There are many types of disorders affecting the blood. The most common disorder of the blood is anaemia, which means deficiency of haemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying pigment of the red blood cells. The patient feels weak, looks pale, may suffer headaches and slight fever. LeukaemiaTs the cancer-like disease of white blood is characterizedby anuncontrolledmultiplicatiohbr accu-mulation of white blood cells in tire bone^marrow. which replace normal marrow cells. There is also multiplication of white blood cells in such organs as the liver, spleen and lymph nodes. Leukaemic white blood cells multiply but they do not reach the stage at which they can defend infections. The body gradually loses its ability to fight infections. This is accompanied by anaemia andjmpaired blood clotting. Other disorders affecting the blood are: leukocytosis which is an increase in thermrhber of white cells in the blood, leukopenia which means a lower than normal numbcr of white blood cells, thrombocytosis^an increased number of platelets in the blood, thrombocytopenia - an abnormally decreased number of platelets in the blood, and thrombosis - formation of a thrombus.
EXERCISE A. Answer the foliowing ąuestions.
1. What kind of tissue is the blood?
2. What are the main components of the blood?
3. What does plasma take part in?
4. What is the shape of erythrocytes and what is their ąuantity per cubic millimetre?
5. What is the function of erythrocytes?
6. What is the function of leukocytes?
7. What are thrombocytes concemed with?
EXERC1SE R. Practise this dialogue.
Doctor: Hello, Robert. I don’t want to waste your time, but can you spare me some
Consultant: Certainly. What can I do for you?
Doctor: I need a piece of advice. A patient, a 45-year-old małe, hypertensive, obese,
with some specific symptoms was admitted to my ward three days ago. His pulse was 100 per min., respirations 18 per min., blood pressure 165/100 mmHg, the chest X-ray showed enlargement of the left ventricle and pulmonary oedema. He gave a history of chest pain, acute headaches, occasional dizziness and dyspnoea on exertion of about one year duratiornHe has had increasing angina pectoris which has been present at rest. There was no history of ankle oedema. There’s a positive family history.
Cons u ltant: What about h is bl ood and urine tests?
Doctor: His red blood count is 3,120,000/mm3, Hb 8g/dl, white blood count 15,000/mm3,
jjedimentation ratejO.His urine shows the presence of some proteins and bacteria, mainly Escherichia coli.
Consultant: Have electrocardiogram and echocardiogram been ordered?
Doctor: Yes, they have. His ECG shows a little left ventricular hypertrophy and strain, the
ST segment is decreased, the Tjyaye looks normal, the ratę and rhythm of his heart appears to be all right. His echocardiogram confirms hypertrophy of the left ventricle.
Consultant: Have you ordered ultrasonography of the kidneys?
Doctor: Yes, I have, but T haven’t got the results yet.
Consultant: When the results come, we Tl see whether it is primary or secondary
hypertension and what therapy should be instituted. In case there’s a proved kidney failure, I’d put him on proper antibiotics, one of beta-blockers and possibly diuretićś.
EXERCISE C. Fili in the following table using information in the reading passage.
Blood constituents |
Shape |
Number per cubic millimetre |
Function |
English for Mcdical Students and Doctors -1 - E. Donesch-Jeżo