P*»-» iWJ be eaidy «iiKe h* not teo hc-

\ loyout.

JL Uaing yoor largctt fcrush. covcr all but the vcry bottom of your łtone wiih a coat of black paint. If tlvt jtooe drie* wiih a grayith cait. affłf a sec* ond. kwti coat. Whcn the paint U vir>- >c<j can bcgin jkctchmg in haik jhapc*. Imaglric yow itonc i* JoidoJ into ihirdt (view A). The flrst thied en-eompairea the io,*T aro. and the back thitd ił the haunch arca. With a shorp-er.ed pencil or whitc chale. Iłghtly ifceich In thcie guidelinea. Sketeh cutłdnt jo«l linę* on both *idcł ot" itic heaj cnj. and chctk ftom rhc top to be »urc both jaalt aro about the »me. At the topof the itonc (view B) these iwo lino mecc to form the tbrehead. The earł hegin at tlić tcę of the fote* head, extcndrng baekward toward the middlc o( the stonc (vlew BJ.

Now movc to the face (view C). Imagmc the front of war *totw n «it* viJcd into qua;tCf(. The bonom* oi the cyc* will reit on a bltectim hortronral lwie. E>o* that are too large in peopor* t*on to the atonc will gńe yyur bonny a "ejttoon" look. *o keep theni imali. Allow a minimom cfone and onc-half eyc widthł between them. Chcck tor łymmetty by lir.lng up a pen:U wiih the bottom of the eye circleł.

!f you artn’t iatitfled with yaur guidelinc> at any point, aimply dab them away with a damp rac c< go over them with morę Maek pain: and tcy again.

Ncat, center a nosc trianglc alcog the vertkal bnecting linę. lt łhouIdnT be much nider x;on the top tlv)n one of the cyc'- Tum your łtone around and add an oval*łhaped taił ro the rcar et>J (v»tw D). Tuck two icie of paw* akmg the bottom edge of either »xJe. Now yoefre teady to begin painting.

2Whito Contram.

Fili in tłie paw* and taił arta* with nhite. ujing ertoogh paint for tolid coocragc.

The paw* arvd taił look tluffier ifyou foather your >ttokci outward along the edge*. NVxt łwitch to a *ma!ler bturh to paint in twoabort wbite lino along the bottom angte* of the no»c. Outlinc the barie jlwpc of the car*. Paint a sec-ord, paralle! linę inłidc the uppet < Jgc of caeh ear to mdseate a (lip.

Aił i linę to i>* v?»kJc cf catłi eateorwie allap

Tńe Am of Painting Aninu!.



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