Unlike othcr homc cquit>r loans, the Bank of Boston Home Equity Credit Linę givesyou three ways co pay, includingone whcre you can pay interest-only for up to five years. And, you get a linę of credit and payback term for as long as you own your home.
lfyou’re a Bank of Boston dcposit customeron thedayyou close the loan, we’ll pay all dosingcosts*-a savingsof$29(L$400. Ali you nced is a chccking, savings, NOWor First Ratę account, accrtificate ofdepositora Dcposit IRAat Bank of Boston.
If you maintain combincd dcposit balancesof$5,000or morę at Bank of Boston beginningon the day you close, we’ll pay yourclosingcosts* and reduce the Annual Percentage Ratę (APR)on your Homc Equity Credit Line-from our Base Ratę** plus 2% (currently 9.5% APR) down to our Base Ratę plus 1.5% (currently 9.0% APR) and if you maintain $25,000 or morę we’ll reduce your ratę cven further to our Base Ratę plus 1% (currently 8.5% APR). APR may vary.
All owner-occupied, one-to-four family homes and condo-miniums in Massachusetts arc cligible fora credit linę anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000 or morę. Your particularamount may be up to 75% of the current value of your home, minus the exist-ing first mortgage balance.
Get fuli details today. Cali toll-frce 1-800-851-LOAN, send in the coupon,or stop atanyof ouroffices. But hurry, thisoffer endsMarch31,1987.
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