
Here is the recommended configuration detected by eBoostr. You can manually change your configuration or add new devices at any time later.

C< eBoostr Configuration Wizard : Recommended configuration

System Memory Cache size; OMS

We do not recommend you to use this device.


You have less than recommended arnount of RAM installed to use system memory cache. We do not recommend to leave less than 1GB memory to operating system. You rnay try to manually configure a smali sized memory cache in case you are not using any mernory-hungry applications.

I:\ Cache size: 4095MB

We recommend you to use this device.

Read speed is 14.73 MB/sec and random access time is 0.91 rns. The overal pr    random read speed can increase up to x4.4 tirnes.

This device can give you additional performance in random read speed due to v

Restore recommended configuration

< Wstecz

Dalej >



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