[ Single-thread your necdie wiih a yard I thread.
_ Referring to the inuructiom on .uge 32 lor tnaking j herringhonr Tuuu Ytcirc threc patterm in cadt of •- five colon of »eed bcadi •; with bl.u k bu gin), repcat. and then cml the itrami with patłerns of tl*c bcginningtolor.
•n the fcimple diown, the itrand begim with Ilircc red repcali. Urlkwed hy threc amber. threc light blue. threc Imcmbr, and threc turquoue. Then, the whole pattern repeats again Ired, amber. light Muc. l.iwtKkt, and iurt|uoiie) and ends li itb threc red.
^ rmisli the Mrand with a darmhcll bead tip, a crimp bead. and the dasp,
f Repcat ilepł 1 thrnugh 3 lor the otber udc of llir ncvk itrap.
^ Work a iłiort threud <10" i into the ettd of the Mrand tiul don not havr tlx Ji>p and bring the needle out the Lut taetion of *eed bc.nk.
ćfiuv4 29
\%wk the thread through the piece and back through tlie blach x«d bcadt once niote. Sceure the thread end with a knot in bcaded band.
Materials ......
-> driętnr
•> ? ystre *aot trswit-M*
• MM
• lt«; aWtiri-.i oeKc; Ib tnjttli drojtru
o 13SUM 6mm supnbtaca ■-> PMKkysJtdtca®
•> &OIDC05P •> 2qi)U c iittifiili Bp;
> 200'i>$VU!ri*os •> i srmil cnmp tirah o Crjr or tocr tn; aracal ur-ent > >r
•> S«l0«i2 teai A) needc
Mfing on cnough 11" black *vd bo.-tiii w gn amund doughnm (through the .enter hole) and take the necdlc back into the olhet tet of *ecd bcadi. n łhown in Figurę 4*29.
ft»vxar, <w>-.łw <Kvy*\tt •V in\i (wr trt»tv »gu*ltitbvt*4c*xea
Sn-WatWem 4»r
Keprat «tep» 5 through 7 foe the other side of the nceh Mrap.