Figurę S-7
□ □
Materials ________
-> 5 musie box keys
<> 96 blat* ł2 (6mm) twOte beaiis
o 96 matte tlack tl (6mm) buote beads
•> 440 silver msSflliic irseed beads
■> PO msMe ttack 3.5mm ate beads
■> Silwr loggie clasp
o 2 sitver 5mm split
o 2 s*tver ctacr^hett bead tff«
o 2smal!ampbeacs
o Black Nyrrro 0 ceadtnj thread
■> 2sizaiDb8ćiliogn«dles
•> Gem-Tac1*'
Permanetf Adtesró
the other side of the neck strand.
Cut 2'A yards ofbcad threjd and place a -ecdlc on cach cnd.
rcad a crimp bcad on one nccdlc, center on the thread. and pass one needle through the crimp bcad scvcral times.
Tić the threads in a secure knot around the bcad.
i ' Pass both nccdlcs through a clamshcll : r from the inside and elose clamshcll :round the crimp bcad.
Pass both nccdlcs through one silvcr 11“ secd bcad.
Separate ncedlcs and then string thrcc \cr 11° seed beads on cach needle.
Referring to the instructions for doing a •double nccdlc ladder stitch page 21, use a seed bead on cach cnd of a bugle bcad to work a strip 12 bugle beads long, as shown in Figurę 5-6. Be surę to alternatc shiny and m.irte uk bugle beads, surting with a shiny one.
After you have completed the first section of 12 hugles, pass through one sflver ] 1° secd l)ead, one black CU be bead, and one siher 11° secd bead on each side, as shown in Figurę 5-7.
Repeat sreps 4 through 7, as illustraied in Figurę 5-6, until thcrc are fivc scctions.
Make a si.\th 12-bead section, loop the section around a musie box key, and takc the last bead of the 12-bead scction around to the first bead. |oin the iwo together so that the key is secured on the strand by the beadcd loop.
Work threads back through the bcading, knot, and gluc to secure the tlireads. Bury the tads in the work.
Repeat steps I through 10 for
With nov thread, make a 12-bead section, loop the scction around a musie box key at the cnd of one of your worked pieccs, and then tłuough one of the remaining keys. Secure the ends of bcading together.
Repeat step 12 for the other side of tire neck strand.
Make two morc 12 bcad scctions and altach the remaining keys. using the looping method to chain both sides of the neck strand together.
Altach the clasp to ihc split rings and bend a clamshcll bar around the split rings with a round nosc pliers.
Tns instfudicos are given u$ngffie(toilfrr«dlel method. twt^ucainAe i inlhcsirglc-neecfófrflhod. ^icr. «s ctódsd on Dagę 21. KMI