AAHookOnCrochetSlippers P 25C3 25A1gina! Imagen01

AAHookOnCrochetSlippers P 25C3 25A1gina! Imagen01


Nc-xt iow5: Rep rows 2 and 3 alternately until Cuff is long enough to fit around Slippcr opening, beg at center front, ending in same area as beg.

Nexr row: Beg at center front of opening, holding long edge of Cuff on insidc of Slippcr at opening and working through both thicknesses, sc Cuff to opening of Slippcr, turn.

Last row: Ch 1, evenly sp sc around entirc outer edge of Cuff. Fasten off.

Fold Cuff to outer edge of Slippcr.


Front cardboard, cut 2 circlcs, cach 2Vt inches in diameter. Cut Yi-inch circle from center of cach cardboard circle. Holding circles tog, wrap yarn over cardboard circles until filled with yarn. Carefully insert scissors betwccn laycrs of cardboard, cut strands of yarn around outer edge of circles, place a doublcd length of yarn betwecn circlcs, puli tightly and knot to sccurc. Remove cardboard circles, fluff Pompom and trim edges as desired.

Attach Pompom to center top of Slippcr as shown in photo. ■



Copyright © 2008 DRG, 306 Eost Porr Rood. Berno. IN 46711. Ali rights resetved This publicotion moy nor bo roproduccd in port or in whole wifhoot written pormtssion from tho pobfishor

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We hove modę evcry effort to ensore the accorocy ond comploroness of these instruclions We cannol. however, b« responsible for humon error. typogrophical mistakes or voriałions in individoo! wotk.

ISBN 978-1-59635-226-1

Printed in USA



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