Academic Vocabulary Revision

Academic Vocabulary Revision


Marks: 10

Complete the sentences with the folbwing words:

Concentrate, concept, conclude, consequent, consist, contrast, contribute, corporate, create, data, define, design, distinct, functbn, identify, integrate, invest, involve, issue, job, normal, obvbus, occur, optbn, parallel, percent, positive, psychobgy, pursue, rangę, ratb, sex, simiiar, sum, summary, technobgy, traditbn, valid, variable

A brief [summary of the article is given on a separate sheet.

Abortbn is a highly controversial |issue •/ discussed before the electbns.

Ali the [data J shows that these animals are morę adaptable than we thought.

Ali types of insurances are handled both for personal and jcorporate J customers. Be quiet - let me |concentrate •/ on my homework.

Both brothers folbwed the family [tradition and became doctors.

Each of us might [define •/ the concept of intelligence in a slightly different way.

In another passage, Melville again [contrasts ■/ the land with the sea.

It was very difficult to leave a home we had jinvested so much in.

Many children with learning difficutties are [integrated •/ into ordinary schools.


Marks for this submission: 10/10.

Complete the sentences with the folbwing words:

Concentrate, concept, conclude, consequent, consist, contrast, contribute, corporate, create, data, define, design parallel, percent, positive, psychobgy, pursue, rangę, ratb, sex, simiiar, sum, summary, technobgy, traditbn, valic


Marks: 11

Complete the sentences with the folbwing words:

Concentrate, concept, conclude, consequent, consist, contrast, contribute, corporate, crea parallel, percent, positive, psychobgy, pursue, rangę, ratb, sex, simiiar, sum, summary, tecl

Modern jtechnology •/ makes moving money around much easier than it used to be. Readers are invited to |contribute ■/ their opinbns on any of the issues discussed here. Scientists have [identified •/' the gene that causes abnormal growth.

Some people believe the universe was [created    ■/ by a big expbsbn.

Students should pursue ■/ their own interests, as well as do their school work.

Teenage mothers often have no ioption y but to live with their parents.

The author of the book attempts to draw    between brains and computers.

The church fulfils a valuable social [function ■/ .

The course is |designed •/ for complete beginners.

The drought and jconsequent •/ famine struck most of the country.

The drug is effective against a [Tange ■/ of bacteria.

The learning needs of the two groups are quite [distinct ■/ from each other so they need different curricula The most |obvious ■/ example of an informatbn source is a dictbnary.

The report    that the school should be cbsed immediately.

The two products bok quite simiiar •/ so I couldn't decide whbh one to choose.

There are too many |variables •/ in the experiment to predict the result accurately.

■/ everyone on the Staff.

" / of?

mainly in young children.

Your return ticket is [valid ■/ for three months.

You‘ve got to be morę |positive y about your work. Everything will be easier then.

These changes will |involve What does this dish [consist Whooping cough joccurs

Partiallv correct


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