/ 20 points
1 Complete thc sentenccs with the words from the box. Therc are morę
words than you need. P> points)
Hmł deterrent yahiables <widc*n<:o fine
firiMTarkiT insult suspicinus cnmpensalion
0 (t a long tń.\\ bccause they had to cali 25 wilnrssrs.
1 \\\' don‘i have any__so we can‘l arrcst him.
2 Tliai man looks_, I think hes going (o try h> *I«mI
thal car.
3 They (łiink (hal (his sentence will aci as a__(o
other drunk drhers.
4 1 didnT mean to___Ilu* shop assistant .so 1 was
ama/.cd whcn she sued nu*.
:i Circle the correct answer.
(4 points)
0 They arrested the remi/ /(scr/u/jkiller in his own house a( 3
o’clock in the inoming.
1 I ironi<f / usrrf lo be a judge but now ( work for an instiranrc company.
2 Shes a v(*jy good lawyer hut last. week she łasi l would losr her case.
3 Aft er they *d lound hitu gnilty of drink-di iving. he was hannrd from / on driving for len years.
4 The man knocked the boy doirn / oul with his car and gol
5 My mol her wanls hor boss to pay h(*r some______for
the accidont she had at the office.
Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letter m
each word is given. (5 points)
0 He was to spend 2 years in prison but they sol him f™ afier only 8 months.
1 People who c_a crime don’t usualiy avoid
2 He only got a s_sentence. Ho won’t havc to go to
prison unless he does something illegal again.
3 The burglar had to do SO hours of c scnicc in the
iocal childrens home.
4 Poor Martha. I-ast niglit she iiad an accident and suffered
severe i_to her legs.
5 My neighbours were arrested for noise n_last Saturday.
1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in
brackets: the Past Simple, the Past Continuous or the Past Perfect.
(G points*
0 They c (eonie) to the bench and v.;i> ••(talk) (o tłu*
• judg(*.
1 The hoys______( l phonc l>oxes liefore
the police finally___(oalch) (hem.
2 ii was a sfrango sight: the elderly lady____(hit)
ilu* mugger with her umbrella again and again and he ___ (scroam) for help.
3 The man _____ (<lrive) 120 kiuph when the sdiool
Crossing guard___(stop) him.
Sc.oro:_/ 20 points
1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There are morę words than you need. (5 potr.:$)
rńd shoplifter justified lenient penalty bullying daniages accused sue
0 It was a long tri3\ bccausc they had to cali 25 witnesses.
1 The cleath_is not used in this country.
2 Only 3 years for kidnapping a chi ki'?! Weil, I really think the
sentence is too___.
3 The problem of_is really serious in our schools.
4 She hopcs to got_for the broken leg. Slie wants
5 Ile wanted to_the.m but he changed his mind.
Maybe tl\cyVe paki him some money to be cjuiet.
2 Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letter in
each word is given. (5 points)
0 Mo was to spend 2 years in prison but they set him frec after only 8 months.
1 Wity didiTt you r_the crime to the police, sir?
2 It was a horriblc crime so nobody was surpriscd when the judge sentenced him to lifc i
3 Some criminals go on a r_programme instead of
going to prison.
4 You won'l beli twe it! Martin had to pay a llne for d________
litter in the park.
5 The jury musi r. ______ a ronclusioii by Iwo o’clock.
:» Circle the correct answer. *4 coints>
0 They arrested the cereal /[serial] kilier in his own house at 3 o’clock in the moming.
1 We would / used to have a lawyer in our company in case we needed legał advice.
2 Hc confesscd / would confess to all his crimes last Friday.
3 My cousin stole a car but got away witk / from it because he is too young to go to prison.
4 The criminal broke from / out of prison two days ago.
i Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in
brackets: the Past Simple, the Past Continuous or the Past Perfect.
(5 points?
0 They c-arr.s (como) to thc* bench and (talk) to the judge.
1 The shoplifter_(leave) the storo beforc the
security guard__(notice) anyfhing.
2 He_(take) a nap when hc_
(hcar) a siren in front of his house.
3 The kidnapper_(do) some shopping when
somebody_(recognise) him.