1 Completc the sentences with the words from the box. There are morę words than you need. - (5 points)
fnHwł cngiues humanity drought banks moltcn mud pandemie suicide
0 Using a car is oxponsivo thcse days because the priee of petrol is roiilly high.
1 Aft er the erupUon _____ lava dest.royed the town buildings.
2 It w;is horrible. The viral _____ killed moro than a half of the peopie living there.
3 Last sunmier the river next to our house hroke its__
hut. t he tire fightors helped us błock the wat er.
4 This is the biggest problem that _____ is faeing now.
5 It h;isn’t rained for ten montłts. Wo hope this___will
stop soon.
1 Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first tetter in
each word is given. (5 pointy
0 Seieutists think that the global temperaturę will ryg hy 2 V during this cenimy.
1 \\re're sorry to sny that anothor ten species have become
e_over rhe p;ist 5 years.
2 !lave vou madę vour New Years r veC>
v * — w~~ 1 ■ •
3 There are severe food s in Afriea. We nmst do
4 Our Biology teaeher says that g____ gases greatly affect our natural emiroriment.
5 1 think that s_powor is safer for the cnvironmont
tłum nuclear powor.
;t Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. (4 points)
0 i hope we’ll evolve into a friendlier and wiser niee in the futurę.
1 The tsunami wavo is heading ___the lndcmesian coast!
Thousands of peopie inight get killed!
2 Has she given ___. drinking (5 oups of coffee a day?
3 Who’s going to sort._the leaflels before our
cnvironmental eampaign?
4 lt.s elear tluit a nuclear bomb could wipe__the wliole
human race.
I Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets: the Present Continuous, the Present Simpie, will or going to. (6 points)
0 1 doiTt think peopie will I.h t (land) on Mars in my lifelime.
1 Sony, !’ve got to go. My bus________(teave) at 10.26.
2 Robots______________(<lefinitely/not/repIace) humans in
mv lifelime.
3 They___________(meel) us in 6 minut es. Hurty up!
4 The Hart lis temperaturę_________(probably/iucrease)
in the next 10 years.
5 Lsiu that a eoekroach? Oh my Ood, it________(fali)
in the soup! Do something. Jack!
6 We _______(have) sonie minerał wat er, please.
Name: ______________________
Score: _______________ / 20 points
1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There are morę words than you need. (5 points)
peted impact resources spieces- .
flood ash leisure servam ^ ; earthquake
4 Our planet might f the danger of a fiu epidemie
in the next 20 years.
5 They could feel it even 200 km from here. Apparently
it was G.2 on the Richter s_.
0 Using a car is expensive these days because the priee of pstro I is really high.
1 We must help tliem because food, water and other____
will finish soon.
2 The water ^estroyed everything they had. It was the worst
sińce 1927.
:i Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. (4 points)
0 I hope weTl evolve into a friendlier and wiser race in the futurę.
1 Tl\ey’re going to carry __ nuclear tests soon.
3 Somc: scicntists beliece that the Earth will not survive tli
ail the animals licing in this region.
next meteorite
4 Many aniinal__have already died out in the tropics.
We must. take action now!
If that cloud of dust blocks_sunlight, plants will die.
Tlie 1'ire is extrcmely difticult to put ___ because of high
The city lookcd terrible after the terrorist attack. Kcetything was cocercd in___.
2 Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letter in
each word is given. (5 points)
0 Scicntists think that the global temperaturę will riss by 2°C during this centuiy.
1 I have never understood why some countrics want to have
weapons of mass d_.
2 Our activit.ies are going to a the dimate for cver.
3 I think that we lead very w lifestyles: we buy Łoo
much lbod, tho cars we drive are too big and we spend too much money on l.hings we don’t need.
I Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in
brackets: the Present Continuous, the Present Simpie, will or going to.
(6 points!
0 I don’t. think peopie wili Iand (land) on Mars in my lifetime.
1 ITurnans _______ (probably/not/colonise) Mars in my
2 Don’t panie! The train _________ (nol/leave) until noon.
3 1 • (take) tlie one without su gar, please.
4 Fm sony but I can’t mect you then. My motlier _________
(organise) a party.
5 We _______ (definitcly/łive) longer 60 years from
6 Ca u you set' that. car? U___(hit) the tree!