Namo:_ Scorc:_/ 45 points
l Complete the sentences with a word from the box. Thcre are seven words that are not needed. (6 points)
abilily inheriled famous rural
inluTitanoe inabilily fail oul.skirls failure
famo couragcous suburbs commorcial
0 Ho showed groat couraye in fighting off tho robbors.
1 You areiFt a_. YouTl succeed one day.
2 Hor ______to spoił is very worrying.
3 I find i( difficult to dcal with my_. I
wish I was unknown agaiu.
4 We live in the_of a big city.
5 This is the_zonę wherc a lot of
companies have their offices.
6 He didn’t eam his money, hc___il from
his parents.
4 Translate the parts of the sentences in brackets into
English. Do not change the parts in English. (6 points)
0 I wish (żebym nie byl tak nieśmiały)_
1 wasrit 60 shy.
1 llello dad. Fm on a bus. (Jesteśmy
zabierani)_to a diffcrciU
airpoit because of the fog.
2 (Nie będziesz mógł zostać)_
here in the futurę after complaining all tł\e time.
3 lf you had told me about your problems
earlier, (pomógłbym ci)_.
4 What would you have studied if (twoi rodzice
nie zmusili cię)_to do physics?
5 lf only (nie spóźnił się)_
_____ for my int.emew yesterday.
6 1 wish (żebym miał mapę)__
___with me right no w.
5 Circie the correct answer. (6 points)
2 Match the beginnings (1 -6) with the endings (a-f).
(6 points)
0 Let*s go to the duty-free S3
1 If we sit here we can sec the departures O
2 Please have your boarding * CD
3 I don*t want to check this in. Its hand
5 I regret to infonu you that
a luggage. b lounge.
c cards ready to show the fight attendant.
d flight RJ 1099. e board.
Last w cek we asked if you had any regrets about love or work. Here arc some of your replies.
Im sur$it could have worked.
I remember at college our economics teacher told us that running your own business was the hardest thing in the world. There was a special lecture about it. I wish 0_but I didnt. If I had,\_ from the experts. Peopie who had had business es and lost all their money. When I left college, I
heard that special business iouns2_by my bank
so I got one for £5000.1 wish now that 13_1 so
much but I still dont think 14__ enough time to
get the busines, working before I had to pay it
back. Im surę that if5_another two years, 16_
successful. However, we shall never know.
f seat so I can get up and stretch my legs. g shop and get some perfume.
0 a I went
Circie the correct answer. (ó points)
0 lle(did]/ wen ( / (jot vcry badly in his exams.
1 Are you suro youYe up /In / av:<\xj to the task?
2 fm surę I flunkcd rwy job /matek /exam.
3 I know 1 will fulfill all my ambitions / chances /fcars.
4 I dont want to miss another dream /phobia / opportunity.
5 I’in not surę I can overcome my aims / problems / auibitions.
6 Your problem is that you never make the most of your fcars / opportunilies / dreams.
:l'd gone
c Fd have gone
d l've been
a Fd heard b I heard a were offering b have offered
c I would hear d Fd have heard c have becn offered d were being offered
a haven’t borrowed b wouldnY have borrowed c hadnT borrowed d didn*t borrow
4 a gave
b was given
5 a had
b have had
6 a was
b have becn
c was giving d have given c had had d would have had c had been d would have been
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