i Limited 1
t Complete the sentences with a word Irom
not needed. (7 points)
temperaturę degrees rain rainy wet dry wind windy sun sunny clouds cloudy snów snowy
0 It’s always windy here. Last week a tree feli
1 Do you know what the_is? 25*C.
2 Tliis_weather is no good for the
garden. We need some rain soon.
3 Ifs getting very_. I think it's going to
4 Do you remember that really cold winter
when we had one metre of __,
5 Don't go out into-the_toolong.It's
bad for your skin.
6 Take an umbrella. X think it will_tltis
7 Hołd on to your hat! There's a very strong
2 Complete the text with one word in
each gap. (4 points)
1 work for the govemment and ant responsible for reducing air0 pollution .When I was at school,
I was often ill. 1 suflered trom problems with my skin. When I was 16, our family moved and Lgot better. We found out that the area we lived in before was badly polluted and that caused the problem. After that, I decided I wanted to help to
1_the environmenL Now, I always1 2_
_ glass and paper and I never1_water or
food. I'm also interested in animals. I read about
*_animals Bke tigers and elephants and
I want to help them before they3_out.
There are lots of problems, pollution, *_
change and cutting down trees, We have to do
are lots of clubs and discos there and ifs fuli of young peopie. Thafs because Newquay is a great place for surfing. I can't surf very 3good / well so I don't go there, This year I’m going to go to 'The/ ~ Lakę Windermere. I know lots of peopie go there but I hope there will be a nice ‘atmosphere / beauly.
4 Find mistakes in tliese sentences and correct them. Correct those sentences that are wrong and tick (✓) those that are correct (6 points)
0 At seven years time, I will be a teacher.
In sevcn yeara Urnę. I will bg a teacher.-
1 Will peopie go on holiday to the moon? No,
3 I think there will be another world war to
4 In the next to two weeks, I will have three
5 Will you go to work in a different country?
Yes, I'm will__
6 I don’t think I will play tennis on Saturday.
3 Write puestions to ask for the missing
information. (7 points)
0 Where do Geordles co mc from?_
Romeo killed L
Sean Connery was bom inI... 1
Thafs a city in Scotland.
I’U finish school in 1
1 is the Capital of Australia.
i the (irst president of the USA. PISOTOCOPIABŁE
Circle the correct word. (6 points)
Last year, 1 went on holiday to a town called
0 Ute /0St Ives in ComwaU. Ifs a smali town in the 1 south-west / west-soulh of England. St Ives is on3the/- north coast of Comwall. In the summer, it gets quite3 busy / dramatic with lots of tourists, but ifs very beaudful with clean, sandy beaches and great shops. * The / -Newquay is morę speaceful / eaciling - there 60 © Pearson Educa