Name* _______ Score:_/ 45 points
Dear Steph,
How are you? 1 haven’t seen you for ycars - sińce we lcft school Are you still doing loads of sports? IVe just taken
°up ice-skating. I used to work *__in the gym but
I found it boring and I dont think it was good for my
back. Then 12_up all sports for a while and
spent my time sitting on the sofa watcłiing films. I was
bored and eating too much. I knew I had toJ-
down on the amount of crisps and chocolate I was eating because, if 14 on eating so much, I would t
become terribly unhealthy. Then a fricnd - lanc, do you
remember hor? - suggcsted 5___ice-skating so
I went with her to the local ice-f’_and it was
Anyway, the reason why I wanled to write...
0 Nol everyone likes football. SOMB
people don t like football.
1 Every person I know likes Computer ganu\s. ALL
2 Al most ewiy gamę I have played has been boring. MOSrr
3 f)an has gol a ponytail and so has Nick. BOTll
4 This shirt i.stft well mado and Irousers arend either. NEITIIER
I work in the 0 er t ii industiy. The
1____n__I work for usually deals with TV
advens. not posters or2 _ 1 __ b_____and we
certainly never have anytbing to do with
companies who send out. u__mail or4 _ p _ _
to people’5 emails.
At the moment, l'm working with a team of five
people to come up with a catchy 5 _ _ o _ a _ lor an adveit for a new chocolate bar. Its going to
be advertised in the ad-6___k _ during
childreu s progranunes so we neeu something that they will remember. Ułs going to be callcd a Zorro bar so we need sonmthing like ‘Masked with chocolate’ but funnier.
5 You can liave a CD player or you can have a digital radio. EITIIER
6 Therefare no shops as big as this one. ANY
Dear Sir,
I know. vę’ve all heard complaints about
tadvertising and some of them are probably true but I enjoy making (make) adverts and I am
going to apologise for 1_(tiy) to
persuade people2_(buy) products that
make our clients morę money.
Instead of11(compiain) o.bout adverts,
0 On sports day fm going io[do/ play / (jo the lor.g jump.
1 You will fmd my book<d. /in/on sale downstairs.
2 These boys / boy's / boys* clotlics are really old-fashioned.
3 This shirt has been Lowcrnd / offered / reduced from &30 to SI5.
4 Gould I exchange these shocsfor/ioith / to a larger pair?
5 What is Tom complaining from / about / ovci' this time?
6 The shop gavc / mado / did me a refund for the books I didn’t want.
* - .. my auven.. . . . v
don’t they refuse 4___ (buy) those
Products? You can’t expect businesses and shops
5_(not sell) things - that is why they
exist and Tm proud of6 (be) part of the
great capitalist sociećy.
Joe Edwards
cle the correct answer (6 points)