1 Listen to six people talking
about where they łive. Match the speakers (1-6) to the headings (A-G). There is one
F They know they have to work together 5 ir.97 smnptef arays whish wsn fora* are now becoming dcscrts.
H Morę people need morę land.
extra heading. (6 points)
A A lot. to do.
B The busy rOftris spoił it.
C I've gol lous of friends here.
D A horrible place lo iive. L_J
E Most people work in London. !_
F Peaceful and <]uiet a U year.
G Unspoill; - most of the time. □
1 Complete the text with sentences A-H. (7 points)
A Sonie people don’l like tłiem buL they do give us clean energy.
B Wliat is the futurę for our world?
C There aro morę and morę cars and factorics opening every day.
D So. is it too lale?
E Tliis means the world has goL hoLter and will continue to get hotter in the futurę.
I Complete the text with one word in
each gap. (7 points)
A In my' opinion. tłu? worst tliing about Ińing here is thal. it is very boring.
B 11_______________agrcc. There‘s nothing to
do. We rieed morę clubs and discos.
A I’m afraid IJ_. Clubs and discos arcn’t
good places to go.__I think we
should open morę t.he&tres and cincmas and have morę conceiTs.
U I know whalyou *___but I don’L tliink
many people will go to tłiem. We’ve got a cinema but people stay at. honie and watch DVDs.
A Ves, youTe5_right but thafs
because Lhe fllitiS at the cinema are boring.
Iu__we should have a cinema showing
different fiJms - from Europę, not America.
B Sony, but I 7_agree. Ask people what
they waru, a good disco or European films -they won’t want the films!
The futurę of the planet
j/B^hat is the futurę for our world?! We asked Profcssor Mikę Summcrbce of the Uniyersity of Manchester for his views. Ile was not óptimistic: “I am very worried about the futurę” he said. In the last ten years, climate ęhange has become morę and morę of a problem.1 ~ Bccause
of climate ęhange, animals and plants arc dying out. The change in climate changes the
places they live in. -____
Another problem for animals is man. Tlić population of the world is growing ver>'
quickly. ______ We need
to build houścs and grow fbbd. The animals have a smaller and smallcr area to Iive in.
Another problem is pollution.:_____
_' ____;____This pollution makes the
air and water dirtier and people will dic yóungcr. Tliis is alrcady happening iń sonie cities such as Tehran, Mexico or Los Angeles, where you can sec the pollution in the sky.
5 __No, not yet. We ;
can still save the planet if we try. We etui find clean energy for elcctricity and cars. It’s good ro see morę wind farms for example.
6 ___We can also plant
trees and stop destroying the rain forests.
The good thing is that governments can now see what the problems are. They are talking
about them.7_■ ' ••__
The cjuestion is, will they do morę tlian talk?
Will they do somethirig soon? Or wili it be too iate?
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