1 JE3!CS3i3 Listen to six people talking about where they live. Match the spcakcrs (1-6) to the headings (A-G). There is one extra heading. (6 points)
A You havc to comc by boat.
B You need lots of rrioney to live here. □
C The houses all look the same. Li
F I like the tourists in the suimuer. □
G An exciting city by tłu; sea. Lj
1 Complete the text with sentences A-H. (? points)
A The cliange in climatc changcs tlie places they livc in.
B No, not yet.
C lt's good to see morę wind farms for example. D What is the futurę for our world?
E They kitów they have to work together.
F The population of tlie world is growing very quickly.
G Ho was not opcimistic.
H Anothcr problem is pollution.
Complete the text with one word
in each gap. (7 points)
A In my 0 ophioi . che most importanl problem in our lown is pollution.
B Yes, youre 1_right.
A 12____we should ban cars from tlie city but I don t agree.;
I don’t think it ll make any ditTerence. The worsl. pollution comes from the factories.
We should cioso them.
A 13__tłunk thar.s a very good idca.
There won't bc any work.
B Thai s0__but people can find new jobs.
Wiihout factories. well gol morę tourists and there will bc moro work in tourism.
A i know what you 7______but I don’t think
we łl have many tourists horę. What will they do?
The futurę of the planet
..................... i ... it.
■ \\rnat t-Hr; futury ~cr cur wnrld?)___We
asked Profesor Miko Summerbee of the
Uńiversity of Manchester for his views.
am verv worried about the futurę" ho said. In
tlić last ren years, climate cliange has*beeomc
morę and morę of a problem. TTiis means the
world bas gol hotter and will cóntinueto get
hotter in the futurę. JBecauśe of elimate
change, animals and plants jare dying out. ___________________For
example, areas which were foreśt arc now becoming deserts. Anothcr problem for
animals is man.'__\____i_____
Morę people need morę land. We need to
build houses and.grow food. The animals have a smaller and smaller area to livc in.
4____________________.___. There
are morę and morę cars and factories o pen i ng
every day. This pollution makes the air and. water dirtier and people wili die younger.Tliis . is already happening in somc cities such as Tehran, Mexico or Los Angeles where you can sec tlie pollution in the sky. : f. :
So, is it too late? 5___i_ We
can still savc the planet if we try.We can find clean energy for electricity and cars.
& " " I
Sumę people don’t like them but they do givc us clean energy. Wc can also plant trees and stop destroying the rain forests.
The good thing is that governmcnts can now see what the problems are. They are talking
about them.7______ .
The ąuestion is, will they do morę than rałk?
Will they do sornething soon? Or will it be tdo late?
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