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© Peurson Education Limited 2006 PHOTOCO!’lAltX.E Rp <g> Pearson Education Limited 2006 PHOTO€OPlJV»LG
cloudy income unemployment sunny noisy foggy banned support i4eał peaceful
OThisisan JaeaL place for our summer holiday.
1 I tove spring in France. It's_and warm.
2 In many European countries smoking is ______in all public places.
3 People who Iive herc have a lower_tlian in the
Capital, but everything is cheaper.
4 Have you ever been to [.och Lomond? It's a very
_place in Scotland because there aren’t many
tourisls there.
5 It’s sometimes very__in the moming. When you
drive a car. you can’t see the road.
0 What on voi: do :f ao n~sC a church?
You should fcike off your hat if you go into a church.
The weather in summer? Weil. ir. rains a lot and there are many storms.
They croaied 50,000 new jobs last. year.
People visii Cracow because they want to see the Wawel Coście.
King Luis XIV was a famous Frcnch king.
support banned sunny noisy foggy income unspoilt unemployment idea? cloudy
0 'i'hi$ is an ią?gil place for our summer holiday.
1 I can’l see the sun today. Itfs___and 1 tliink it's going
to rain.
2 This country isn't a good place to live. We have high _and people have problcms witii finding jobs.
3 This place is very . Cars and buses are cworywhero.
I can‘t even read a book!
A The govemmenc cari_you if you can't pay for your
5 Not many vLstors eonie here so our mountains are still _and dean.
0 What shciii-i you do r yp j «o t\
You should lakę olf your han if you go into a church.
All five presidenis met in EgypL
My favourite season? i guess itfs spring because che worid liims green again.
King Henry VIII had six wives.
Tourists visit Paris because they want to see the Eiffel Tower.
You cait only smoke in pubs.
The Second World War ended in 1045.
0 There are many reasons _ fęr culture shock.
1 After 3 weeks of living in that noisc she started to sufter ___headachcs.
2 Do you reatly want to niove_a different city?
3 She:s vcry impacient. She gets annoycd_very sllly
4 My children can’t wait_the first day of holidays.
0 - lakę Como is in _th<* north of - Italy.
1 ____Alps are the place where many tourists spend thesr
winter ;ind summer holidays.
2 Are you surę that_Vistula is the longcst river in_
Po land?
3 _Canary Islands are a group of seven islands in
____Atlantic Ocean, near the west coast of_Africa.
4 During our last trip to_London, we had a pienie in
_Hyde Park.
5 On Saturday we bought. sonie souvenirs at_Leicester
Sguare, not far from_Charing Cross Road.
/ 20 pOLIltS
5 When_?
He went to South Africa in May.
6 Who__?
An Itafian sportswoman is going to open the Olympic Gamcs.
0 Tliere are many reasons for culture shock.
1 When she goes on holiday, she always tries to make friends
__other ceenagers.
2 They haven’t found a cure___this yec.
3 Ir. was a big surpriso for hor. She sUired______Uic road
sign for 5 minutes.
4 it's funny to watch people!s reaedon_our weather.
0 _lakę Como is in north of - Italy.
1 Sierra Nevada is a group of mountains near Califomia
in_United States of America.
2 _New Ze land is an island in_Pacific Ocean, near
3 Do you think_Mont. Blanc is the highest mountain in
4 Last sununer we fotuid sonie tiule to go dwing in_Red
5 I’ve read a book at>out Sherlock Holmes and Fd like to visi'
his house in_Baker Street, next r.o_Regenfs Plirk.