Access 3 MID TEST 1 5 cz 1

Access 3 MID TEST 1 5 cz 1

ImID TEST (Modiilei V 5)




Choose the correct Item.

1 We mcved to the city bccause wc needed




(Time: 50 minutesj

some..........and quiet

A fresh    B peace C sleep

2    The detective..........a mystenous letter in

the cupboard.

A k finding B found C was finding

3    Kathy was readtng while Suzie ...........

A was cooking B ccoks C is cooking

4    it's difficult for athletes to..........a wodd

record during :he Ołymprc Ga~es.

A recover    B break C find

5    I don't like the hustle and .......... of big


A    alarm    B    bustlc    C    Hfestyle

6    John...........took a shower ard left fO' work

A    got up    B    get up

C was getting up

7    ..........when ycu rang the coorbell?

A V/ere chey sleeping

B Did they sleep C Are they sleeping

8    I see that the puppy found a


A    happy    B    shocked

C interested

9    We..........the dog for a walk every moming.

A    are taking B    take    C    taklng

10 Ke .......... in front of the TV sińce th)s


A sits    B sat

C has becn slttlng

11    l bought some realty ntce .......... for my

MP3 player.

A laptops    B neadph.ones

C cassettes

12    :f I had krown abcut the snów storm, i ..........home.

A would have stayed B would stay C will stay

13    I l;ke watching chat..........when l want to


A reports B shows C news

14 werk when it started to ram.

A walked    B were walki ng

C used to walk

15    Dccumentares are very...........

A educational    B oducation

C educated

16    i got for my birthday.

A    digital    B    srirtual    C    mobile

17    If you Press the..........the scrcen will tum on.

A    buttoo    B    monitor    C    gadget

18    We like to the cafe in the


A    in    B    over    C    out

Z E*pfC« Pobtehioc EłlOTOOOPIABLE



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