

Adapting A 914 Engine Tb A VW Transaxle


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Above, tha 914 angina goes in tha middla of a Porscha. but you can boli it light behmd your aarly VW transaile. Opposite paga top, tha only pioblem in tha swap is tha thickness of the flywhaal and tha way it bolts on. KEP makat this "combo" unit which ii enentially a VW typa flywhaal with a Porsche 5 bolt hub built in. Bolts and pilot buthing ara indudad.

-w- y olkswagcn has always liked \/ doing things thc same way. W S« you shouldn't hc too sur-priscd lo find out tliat thc mid-sliip cn-ginc from a 014 Porsche will bolt righl up to any VW Bug transaxle. Engine rotation is correct and cverything. Of coursc Ihis facl will surprisc you cven less when you rcmember (hal thc 914 Porsche engine is actually thc sanie as a 411 Volkswagcn engine. so it was a case of making a VW engine bolt into a rnid-engined Porsche rather llian vicc-vcrsa.

Unfortunately. the bolt-up is not quite as slick as it could be. Ed Roth found this out when hc adapted a 014 engine lo a VW swing arrn transaxle for one of his threc-whcelers a few ycars




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