After the face orał ii «i place. tnod-ify it by creJtirj a V.»hapc ia the mid-dle of thc forchead. Then bucct thc cna! hotteonuUy and u»c the midlinc »»a guide fot thc cyc*- 0*b św dta-tn»tlc*lly latgc. (Ound eyci- Eye dwrnc-tc t will vary uith thc t ik of you t ttonc. On thc threc owb I rncauarcd pte-iiouily. thc uic of thc cye» arc:
• tali owł—jmt ovcr W actoit
• 7* tali cmi—Vi" aciou
• 0' tali o»l—juit ovct W aceou
• 5Vł" cal! on*ł—Juh undcr H'acrow Ute the hcigłu of your own nonę to dctettninc thc »i« cf thc cyc*. thea center them oa thc ttódline one cyc ipacc apart. To detcntiine beak place-tnent. mcanirc one cye-width down ffeen betwccn thc cyeł on thc miJIinc. Mark that a» the top of thc bcafc. The bcak itsclf thouU bc a narto-*- trianglc whotc point doc.m‘t quitc tcach to thc lottom of thc face.
No«r tum your rock to thc fcock » factng you. Draw a ncek Uac around the K»ck of thc hcad. Indścatc the taił with a widc V at the batc. The iides of thii V jhoeli bow gem ty crjtojrd atound the eumng >tde» of yout łtone and to-ach the pertmcicrt of che face cn-aJ m front. lf you leok at yout c«k wdeway-fc thc »ing linę* ihookl eut di-agorulfy from the face to the taił. The temaining pottśon of thc body- will be the beeaic.
Yotied awMiicm»ni *uv be up w W petem! tf Cneetll Wjhl.
Mslwi tn the »mf ind tul.
KttiarntaJ mcajwemcnt iroy be up to 15 petteec of ovenll he<V