

Plica of the Knee

plica of thc koce is thc fesult of non-absorphon of the synovial walls that make up the thrce knee cneitics during the initi.il months of deiclopmcnt. Rcsulting in a thickening of synovial capsulc causmg folds that are referred to as plica. This condition of plica dcvelopment occurs in approximately 20 percent of the population. The plicoe becomes inflamed and causes joint effusion focatcd near the infrapatellar łat pad.

The Kinesio taping method will assist by reduring edema. pain and limiting patella movement which may increase pressure on the plicae.

InitiaZ treatment for inflammation or edema is prpvided by appJying fwo Kinesio lymphatic correc-tive techniijues. For complete review sec lymphatic corrective techniqne.

The location of the lymphatic cornective strips is determined by the practitioner during the cvaluab'on Generally the lymphatic fan tails should form a crisscross pattem over the area of effusion.


Option One:

Application of a modified space correction tech-nique will be applied. For complete review see space correction technique.

Begin by applying a Kinesio I strip to the tibial tuberosity of the tibia with no tension and the kneein extension. Angle the Kinesio strip so it will be placed with one half of the Kinesio Tex above and below the lateral or medial border of the patella depending upon region of edema.

With one hand hołd the initial application basc to ensure no tension will be added. Apply light to moderate tension, 10-20%. For this technique less is usually better. As the tension is applied to the Kinesio strip, instruct the patient to move their knee into flexion. As the patient moves their knee into flexion, apply the Kinesio strip around the patella to approximately the patella apex.

Lay down thc last approximatcly two inches c Kinesio strip down with no tension. lnitiatc g)ue activation prior to any further movemcnt.

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Application of mechanical correction technique to limit medial or lateral movement of the patella to reduce friction on plicae. For this demonstration an correction technique with tension on the tails will be shown. For complete review see mechanical correc-tive technique

Bogiń by applying the base of the Kinesio strip Y cut onto the medial aspect of the patella with no tension.

With one hand, hołd the base to ensure no tension is added during application. One taił is applied with tension (25-40%) and downward pressure along the inferior pole of the patella. The second taił is applied with similar tension and downward pressure along the superior pole of the patella.

Before the patient moves their knee make surę to activate the glue.

The last approximately one inch of the tails of the mechanical correction tension on tails technique is applied with no tension.


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