Bursitis of the Elbow
Theolecranon bursa is the most commonly injured bursa of the elh okcranon process of the humcrus. A large effusion may be piesent o °k ** ^®s bon, with limited range-of-motion in flexion. n *he Posterio^ L
The Kinesio Tapirtg Method will assist by redudng edema and pajn lllBis
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">erus and ends on «T al ePicona,45 W region. emed«Usp^^h> Photo on rieht* 0 the JJ1**
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• 8 rnch long Kinesio I Strip thm ^ nPProxim backmg. Apply 25.5(10/ ? “ttough the n- ^
1 s«p in the mii7/3ablfe tens5o
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strip with no tension. acnend 1/3of theK
Option Two: Begin by cutting a hole in the center of an approximately 6-8 inch Kinesio I strip. Be careful to not cut morę than 2/3 of the availablc width of the Kinesio Tape. This may reduce its ability to adhere to the patients skin.
Cut the distal approximately 2 inches of each end into two to three strips.
Have the patient move into a mid joint position for the area to be tre ated.
In the center of the Kinesio Strip tear the paper backing and peel back to allow for tension to be applied to the Kinesio Tape. Apply light to moderate tension (25-50% of available tension) to the Kinesio Strip and place the hole directly over the area of desired space.
Lay down the tails on both ends with no tension. Splay the ends to dissipate tension which was created in the area of the donut.
Initiate glue prior to any patient movement. Several layers may be used, depending upon the size of the patient and the degree of inflammation.
Web Cut
Option Three: Cut the Kinesio Strip into 4,5, or 6 strips. The Kinesio Tape is cut allowing for each end to remain uncut. Begin by placing the patient in a stretched position. The web is applied by applying one base, remove the web strips, and apply the second base.
Initiate glue prior to any patient movement.
See knee bursitis for a complete descripłion of web cut application for bursitis.