Myofascial low back pain is a syndrome that rcfers pain within a muselc. The trigger point is I scnsiHve area whfcft budon. The pain syndrome has becn Associated włlnmuscte and piriformis. The Kinesio techniquc also includes łn?exfe correction technique. If during the eva!uation the practitionerMt
muKle, the iriggcfpoint should also be treated to reduce HH IuKle tension and trigger
The Kinesio taping tcchnique will assist with reduction of edemorPmn'
Application of quadratus Jumborum basie Kinesio taping method I strip, or can use Y strip. This is an origin to insertion application.
Begin base of I or Y strip on PSIS with no tension, place the patient in hip flexion with rotation to the opposite side.
If using an I strip direct the Kinesio strip to approximately the spinous process of T10-12.
If using a Y strip direct the superior taił towards the transverse process of T12. Direct the inferior taił to the transverse process of L 2-3. Both tails should be applied with appropriate tension for either the origin to insertion (10-15%), or insertion to origin (5-10%) technique.
Application of piriformis basie Kinesio taping method I strip, or can use Y strip. This is an origin to insertion application.
Begin base of I or Y strip on the sacrum vertebrae 2-4 with no tension, place the patient in hip flexion and adduction.
If using a I strip direct the Kinesio strip towards the greater tochanter of the femur.
If using a Y strip direct the tails to surround the pirifomis muscle with both tails ending at the greater tochanter of the femur.
Application of extemal oblique abdominus basie Kinesio taping method I strip, or can use Y strip. This is an origin to insertion application.
Begin base of I or Y strip as close to the pubis symphysis as patient comfort and professional decorum allows, with no tension. Have the patient move into back extension with rotation to the opposite side.
If using an I strip direct the Kinesio strip towards the inferior angle of the T10-12 ribs.
If using a Y strip direct the inferior taił to the inferior angle of the T12 rib. Direct the superior taił to the inferior angle of T10 rib.
■JBR^liratinn of fascia rorrection. tension Oh baSŁjf no trigger point has been identificd. For review see fascia correction techniąue.
Begin by placing the base of the Kinesio Y strip with no tension. Apply tension to the tape in the direction fascia correction is desired. Stretch should be light to moderate (15 - 20%). The tape should be "jiggled or ossilated". Minimal downward pressure should also be applicd as the tape is being laid down. The downward pressure is not specifically intended to deepen the effect of the tape, but only used to apply the Kinesio Tape during application.
With this application the practitioner would apply the fascia correction in the area they believe is limiting normal motion of the low back.
Application of space correction if a trigger point I has been identified.
Apply a space correction techniąue directly over the trigger point, for review see space correction techniąue.
Begin by placing the patient in a neutral or slightl stretched position. Tear the middle of a 4-6 inch Kinesio I strips paper backing. Apply 25-40% stretcl to the Kinesio strip and apply directly over the area of pain as indicated by the evaluation.
Lay down the two ends of the Kinesio I strip down without tension. Initiate glue activation prioi to any further patient movement.
Complete application of the myofascial low bat pain.